Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for March 25, 2011

  1. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  almost 14 years ago

    Or he could have just started?

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  2. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  almost 14 years ago

    …or his is a longer process, because he’s changing it between one car and another…

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  3. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 14 years ago

    Heck Hector !

    This is a comic strip, not reality.

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  4. Txflag icon150
    mccrearyk  almost 14 years ago

    ^ So can Slim. Why do you think it takes him so long to do an oil change?

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  5. Dscn0420 1
    OldManMountain  almost 14 years ago

    Oh, yes, I am sure Mr. Scanarelli has an extensive research staff devoted to exactly portraying service station procedures and operations.

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  6. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 14 years ago

    and..after Clovia rings him up..the customer will dawdle writing a check and then present Clovia with a coupon…

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  7. Missing large
    Airboy20  almost 14 years ago

    As Slim seems to be the only mechanic, maybe he has more than one car in the garage to work on, and he’s only now getting to this one. Or is that being too logical?

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  8. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  almost 14 years ago

    If this was a cafe I’d serve him a knuckle sandwich.

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  9. Missing large
    dakota_jones  almost 14 years ago

    He’s just getting the old oil out!

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