Of course political comments here, jkoskov. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail — and if your Big Thing is your personal political views, everyplace looks like just the right place to trot them out.
By the way, I’m having a technical problem: my avatar no longer appears, only an image placeholder tag. Some other people’s avatars also show the same thing, at least to me. The problem isn’t with my browser; the same thing happens in different browsers, on different computers. Any ideas about what’s going on, and how to fix it?
Neither side of the political divide is immune from infusing their comments on non-political gags with ideological barbs. How many cartoons taking place in a workplace inspire comments like “This must be a union shop”? How many classroom jokes result in “That’s the public school system for you”? Even something as innocuous and seemingly non-partisan as “He’s practicing to be a politician” expresses a political slant, given the different beliefs of the role and effectiveness of government.
But I think we as readers tend not to notice when the arrows flying are in line with our own sentiments. Meanwhile, any comment with which we don’t agree politically sticks out like a fish in the milk, and we tut and call it “out of place.”
But can we please leave politics out of the thread of this brilliant toon, especially when politics was never implied. There are so many other good jokes that have been ruined by those desiring to take the lower, more sour path filled with refuse.
Though I will credit Fritz on his more thoughtful comment. Good on ya.
True. I don’t mind the political comments per se, even when they gore my own ox, provided they’re clever and/or funny. But so often they’re just reflexive:
“Obama sux!” “Limbaugh sux!”
I get into a pile-of-ticks everytime I go out to check on the cows. I don’t need any in my comics. Course they don’t suck near as much blood as that DC breed.
^ Wow… you are soooo right! Heh. I never really flagged anything unless it was truly vulgar or was one of those adds. I figure if they use non-vulgar words and don’t make personal threats then it’s free speech. Oh well. At least it cleans the thread up a bit.
COWBOY7 almost 14 years ago
And the real truth comes out! LOL
(Good Morning, Gweedo, Grog, Pamlicorat & all BCers!)
LittleSister18 almost 14 years ago
Nothing like ruining the perfect bragging moment.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Can he do it during an enema?
Elaine Rosco Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Early politicians
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Leave it to Curls to see things so clearly
Good morning, Fellow Cave Dwellers.
Little Miss Tink almost 14 years ago
I’m into politics…I have a right wing and a left wing. Sorry, that joke was in poor taste.
pamlicorat almost 14 years ago
Good Morning Lonewolf, Gweedo, and Everyone
Hey Tink, I like your wings! They are prettier than most politician’s.
jkoskov almost 14 years ago
Political comments? Here?
Sorry folks, you have the wrong address. “SHOE” is a few panels down the street.
peter0423 almost 14 years ago
Of course political comments here, jkoskov. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail — and if your Big Thing is your personal political views, everyplace looks like just the right place to trot them out.
peter0423 almost 14 years ago
By the way, I’m having a technical problem: my avatar no longer appears, only an image placeholder tag. Some other people’s avatars also show the same thing, at least to me. The problem isn’t with my browser; the same thing happens in different browsers, on different computers. Any ideas about what’s going on, and how to fix it?
Yukoneric almost 14 years ago
It’s tooo early for that…………….
Neanderthal almost 14 years ago
With three in a crowd that’s a conversation.
midiranger almost 14 years ago
SCAATY_423 ** GoComics is working on the problem. It happened to everyone who recently changed their avatar picture.
blackirish almost 14 years ago
Figures that most of these libs would be getting their news from the funny papers. They are all blind to reality anyway.
magnamax almost 14 years ago
If all the honest polliticians got together, the two of them could really do some good work.
MisngNOLA almost 14 years ago
Wow, with friends like thta, who needs enemas?
fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Neither side of the political divide is immune from infusing their comments on non-political gags with ideological barbs. How many cartoons taking place in a workplace inspire comments like “This must be a union shop”? How many classroom jokes result in “That’s the public school system for you”? Even something as innocuous and seemingly non-partisan as “He’s practicing to be a politician” expresses a political slant, given the different beliefs of the role and effectiveness of government.
But I think we as readers tend not to notice when the arrows flying are in line with our own sentiments. Meanwhile, any comment with which we don’t agree politically sticks out like a fish in the milk, and we tut and call it “out of place.”
junco49 almost 14 years ago
fritz! fritz! Sometimes I HATE it when you’re right. (correct)
DjGuardian almost 14 years ago
I can’t believe I’M saying this…
But can we please leave politics out of the thread of this brilliant toon, especially when politics was never implied. There are so many other good jokes that have been ruined by those desiring to take the lower, more sour path filled with refuse.
Though I will credit Fritz on his more thoughtful comment. Good on ya.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 14 years ago
pseudosnake: “Um, some are like broken records.”
True. I don’t mind the political comments per se, even when they gore my own ox, provided they’re clever and/or funny. But so often they’re just reflexive: “Obama sux!” “Limbaugh sux!”
Monkeys throwing feces…
Tsali-Queyi almost 14 years ago
I get into a pile-of-ticks everytime I go out to check on the cows. I don’t need any in my comics. Course they don’t suck near as much blood as that DC breed.
DjGuardian almost 14 years ago
^ Wow… you are soooo right! Heh. I never really flagged anything unless it was truly vulgar or was one of those adds. I figure if they use non-vulgar words and don’t make personal threats then it’s free speech. Oh well. At least it cleans the thread up a bit.