Rubes by Leigh Rubin for March 07, 2011

  1. Stan
    vlechtja  about 14 years ago

    Chips noooooo………….

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    Edcole1961  about 14 years ago

    The old lady never expected that Chip would leave her flat.

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  3. 008 6
    Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 14 years ago


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    cdward  about 14 years ago

    What a deflating comic.

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  5. Grimlock
    Colt9033  about 14 years ago

    Dale will have to get revenge!

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  6. Frog4
    Digital Frog  about 14 years ago

    Just ignore the elephant in the room.

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  7. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 14 years ago

    Q: Why do elephants have red eyes?

    A: So they can hide in cherry trees.

    A: I’ve never seen an elephant in a cherry tree.

    Q: See how good they are?

    Q: Why should you never walk through the orchard between three and five in the morning?

    A: That’s when the elephants jump out of the trees.

    Q: Why are pygmies short?

    A: Because they walk through the orchard between three and five in the morning.

    Q: Why are beaver tails flat?

    A: Because they walk through the orchard between three and five in the morning?

    Q: No, it’s from slapping out forest fires.

    Q: Why are elephants’ feet flat?

    A: From stamping out burning beavers.

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    ilsapadu  about 14 years ago

    Gooood night Elephant Man.

    No, I mean really thanks for the laughs and good night, it’s getting late.

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