Prickly City by Scott Stantis for May 15, 2020

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    stellanova87  almost 5 years ago

    Life is constantly changing, normal is a state of mind.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    We can get to manageable though. Simply remove all conservative and GOP elements from governance.

    The problem isn’t government, but governments run by Republicans.

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    Sanspareil  almost 5 years ago

    Garfield is glad that he doesn’t have to deal with a new Nermal.

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  4. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    The questions the Trump cultists have yet to ask themselves


    “I’m sitting here trying to figure out what exactly constitutional deprivation there was?

    What is the crime that people think Barack Obama and Joe Biden are going to be prosecuted under?” Moss posited.

    “To be clear, and this is using the words of President Trump and his lawyers over the last three years, any sitting president can get any classified information they want.

    According to Donald Trump they can launch any investigation they want, they can tell the FBI only to pursue particular individuals, This is not me saying it, this is Donald Trump saying it for three years.”

    “This was their argument during the Mueller probe. This was their argument during the impeachment investigation, that the President has this kind of authority,” Moss continued.

    “So what did we find out? That Barack Obama was aware about intelligence intercepts on the Russian Ambassador when he was talking with General Flynn?

    That there had just been an attack on our election a couple months earlier, that we were still dealing with the fallout of Russian election interference in 2016?

    There was concern about a counterintelligence problem with Michael Flynn and they had a discussion?”

    “I’m shocked,” Moss said, sarcastically. “I can’t believe they had that conversation.”

    “What is the crime?” he added, destroying the entire fake Obamagate scandal in just four words.

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  5. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    Amid our ongoing struggle with the novel coronavirus, an ugly paradox has emerged:

    On one front after another, President Trump is prioritizing his efforts to create the illusion that the country is returning to normalcy over taking concrete steps that might make that actually happen safely.

    Which, perversely enough, is making that outcome less likely.

    Put another way: Trump prizes his magical reality-bending powers so highly that he’d rather rely on them to deliver him reelection, because he fears taking the governing steps necessary to get us back to normalcy will render his reelection less likely as well — the real world consequences be damned.


    What’s more, the idea that there’s a downside to appearing “preoccupied with health,” as opposed to “focused on reopening the economy,” itself confirms what we all know already.

    Trump is loath to do too much in terms of standing up a federal response to the continuing scourge of the coronavirus, because it risks feeding the impression of an ongoing health crisis continuing to rampage out of control.


    Trump has decided that reopening the economy is such an urgent priority that nothing can be permitted to delay it.

    But the economy can’t reopen until the health crisis is wrestled down to a greater extent, precisely because people won’t feel safe to resume economic activities.

    As Slavitt asks: “Without a credible plan to address the public health crisis, tell me how consumers start buying cars, small businesses sign leases & employers start hiring?”

    This would involve standing up a much more robust federal testing and tracing program, as health expert Tom Frieden and many others have already explained.

    But Trump isn’t willing to do this — even though some of his own officials want him to.


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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    Day 22 of the Georgia Economic Recovery. Despite the leftist obstructionists, looks like it is working. Or maybe we are all dying and are just too dumb to notice.

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    William Robbins Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Dr. Rick Bright said America could be facing its darkest winter. The good news is, it sounds like he’s saying we might make it to winter. Jimmy Kimmel.

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  8. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    ☝ ☝ ☝

    Jbm is going for the Ad hominems insults again

    Bless your heart! You are invited to take your ‘with respects’ and self-apply them to ‘where the sun don’t shine.’

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    I approve of this parody:

    Breaking: Dangerous Fascist At Large At Michigan Capital And Also Some Peaceful Protesters With GunsMay 14th, 2020

    14.2kShares11kSHARE1.5kSHARESHARELANSING, MI—A breaking news report just revealed that there is a dangerous, psychotic, deranged fascist at large at the Michigan state capital and also some peaceful protesters with guns.

    “This violent maniac has not been apprehended yet,” said one source, “but we know that she is surrounded by armed guards and is considered extremely dangerous.”

    The potentially deadly psycho was seen going around the capital building completely uncontested, causing many to worry for their safety. Also, there were some protesters who gathered peacefully and exercised their 2nd Amendment rights to carry their firearms in a demonstration for their liberties.

    But it’s the fascist that is worrying experts.

    It is unknown what the unhinged extremist wants, though she was screaming, “Power! Unlimited power!” and cackling toward the heavens throughout the day.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    Another parody that meets my approval:

    68% Say Lockdown Shouldn’t End Until All Diseases Are Eradicated And There Is No War, Hunger, Or SufferingMay 14th, 2020U.S.—A new poll has been released that shows most Americans are comfortable with staying in lockdown for a while longer. In fact, according to the poll, a full 68% of Americans say the lockdown shouldn’t end until all diseases are eradicated, along with war, hunger, and any form of suffering.

    This sentiment was repeated by many different Americans. “Opening up before everything that could hurt people has been eliminated could just lead to people dying,” said Kelvin Grant, an online journalist, who spoke via Zoom. “Let’s just hide in place until everything bad goes away.”

    “As long as there are diseases and other bad things out there, it’s only safe to stay inside away from everyone else,” agreed Grace Wilson, a web designer, who spoke through a mail slot. “Like I saw a wasp outside the other day. We shouldn’t go outside until all wasps are gone. Or else someone could get stung. Stung by a wasp.”

    A number of governors expressed solidarity with the poll results. “Everyone really should stay locked down and do everything I tell them until all bad things are gone,” said Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “Anything else could lead to death, disease, wasp stings, stubbed toes — lots of badness. That’s why if anyone is outside when I tell them not to be, the police will shoot them.”

    Since eliminating all bad things could take a long time, there are now some new initiatives to help people shelter in place for months longer, including instructions on how to burrow underground and live as mole people.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    One more for the humor-deprived:

    Hillary Clinton Suggests That Americans Vote For President By EmailMay 13th, 2020

    CHAPPAQUA, NY—Hillary Clinton has suggested that Americans vote for president via email, a controversial proposal that’s nonetheless gaining some traction on the left.

    Clinton released her proposal to have Americans send in their votes via email and even offered to run the server herself. She said her server could handle up to 30,000 emails per second, more than enough bandwidth to run the national election.

    “I would be more than happy to provide a server that could handle all the email votes,” Clinton said. “I’d guarantee no votes sent in by email would be lost. They’d be safe and secure. Our security systems are to die for.”

    Some people criticized the suggestion, saying that email is inherently insecure and that emails have a way of disappearing when they’re inconvenient to Clinton’s purposes. These people have not been heard from since.

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  12. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    ☝ ☝ ☝

    Looks like Jbm is looking for comfortable fictions, since reality doesn’t seem to working out the way he insists it must.

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    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    I’m starting to question whether I want to keep playing in this sandbox. The vitriol is getting to me.

    I appreciate Silly Season’s daily round ups of the news. Darsan54 and William Robbins are good, too.

    But the dialog seems to bring out the worst in us. Granted, one, maybe two trolls bring the worst of it. But then, we sometimes fall into their traps, as well.

    There are good republicans out there, though currently, Trump has tied their hands. Jeff Flake and John McCain come to mind; one had to retire, the other had to die.

    But what Trump has done to our party is just as bad. I, for one, remain incensed that a man who won only one primary (29-Feb) is now the presumed candidate for president. Why? Because all of his competition threw in their towels on 01-Mar, invalidating my vote on Super Tuesday.

    Super Tuesday might has well been “after the fact” Tuesday.

    And if Republicans want to complain about mail-in voting, Super Tuesday could have been a valid example – not this irrational fear that somehow, Democrats are going to “steal” the election (as opposed to the Electoral College that regularly allows Republicans to “steal” elections, but I digress).

    I’m just frustrated. Tired of being considered an “enemy of the people” because I disagree with what Trump has done to both parties.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    We’ll make Silly Season guess whether this one is real or not:

    Governor Newsom Orders Ballots To Be Sent To Every Cemetery In StateMay 15th, 2020

    SACRAMENTO, CA—To prepare for the upcoming November election, Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered ballots to be sent to every cemetery in the state.

    The governor of California said that ballot boxes would be sent to cemeteries across the state to ensure everyone had the right to vote, dead or alive.

    “We need every single Californian to vote, living or dead,” Newsom said, wagging his finger. “Without everyone doing their part, no matter their undocumented living status, we can’t beat the Republicans this time around. It’s science!” When he said the word “science,” he lifted a test tube into the air to lend some credence to his claims.

    Newsom said that people who don’t want the dead to vote are discriminating against the “mortally challenged.”

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    More important news:

    Biden Campaign Hires Interpreter To Translate His Speeches Into EnglishMay 15th, 2020

    U.S.—The Biden campaign is facing a real communication problem as Joe Biden’s speeches are growing more and more nonsensical. In order to overcome this challenge, aides have hired an interpreter to translate everything he says into normal, human-style English.

    “My fellow Americans, pickle hamster meatloaf. The thing. Potato!” Biden began.

    “My fellow Americans, thank you for being here this evening,” the interpreter translated.

    Biden continued: “This pandemic has cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. Lives of millions of people. Millions of people. Millions of jobs.” He then nodded at the translator to interpret that into something resembling plain English.

 the, uh, pandemic has cost us tens of millions of jobs, and 85,000 have tragically lost their lives,” she interpreted frantically.

    But she struggled to keep up as his speech got less and less coherent.

    “Peanut butter M&Ms and my fellow U.S. Americans in the Iraq. Platypus!” was translated as “We must make sure Donald Trump does not continue to rob America of its future,” while “Farley farley farley farley farley hufaaaaaaaar!” was translated as “I am the best choice to beat Donald Trump.”

    As Biden’s speech concluded, he said farewell: “Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z’ nourrwringmm!”

    “God bless you, and God bless America.”

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    Brain Pudding  almost 5 years ago

    Ok wormbrain, let me spell it out for you.If 100 get sick day 1, 50 day 2, 20 day 3 and 100 day 4, the CUMULATIVE NUMBER od ill people goes up every day. However, the daily new case rate drops.

    Further , if the liberal media at microsoft (the ms in msnbc) count the new cases on the day they were reported rather than the day they were diagnosed (tested), do you see how that would produce an intentional inflation the the daily rate numbers
for propoaganda purposes. Go back and study somemore and turn your paper back in with corrections.

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