Little Fried Chicken and Sushi by Khalid Birdsong for May 11, 2020

  1. Fcslittlekarlavatartapastic
    KhalidBirdsong creator almost 5 years ago

    One nice thing about sheltering at home is they have more time together as a family! Did I mention one nice thing about…

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  2. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 5 years ago

    He just needs some quiet time to himself. As an introvert, I suggest locking him in the closet for a few hours.

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  3. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 5 years ago

    I can relate. I’ve lived with a huge family in a small house. I didn’t get my own room until my mid-30’s.

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  4. Toughcat
    bakana  almost 5 years ago

    Then, there is this article about ways to get “Alone Time”:

    (Thought I’d share)

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  5. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Because some people are alone with no one to do things with or to talk to.

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