FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for March 29, 2011
Jason: Peter, Paige needs you to move the car so she can get to her bike. Peter: I parked in the same spot in the garage that I always do. There's plenty of room to get to this bike rack. What's the problem? Jason: That her bike wasn't in the bike rack. Peter: So that's what that crunching sound was. Jason: I tried to explain to her the effect relativistic speeds have on your eyesight.
NE1956 almost 14 years ago
Jason I hate when you use words that I have to go look up. LOL.
dicatduke almost 14 years ago
Oh, Peter. You’re in trouble. I wouldn’t want to be you just now!
dhubb almost 14 years ago
@gayfatnakedvet Yeah, reading…
ComicCrawler almost 14 years ago
lol, I didn’t notice that he was reading/”reading” that!
legaleagle48 almost 14 years ago
ladyfingers86, it’s not Peter’s eyesight that’s the problem. It’s the fact that, as Jason points out, he drives so fast that he flirts with the actual speed of light, hence Jason’s use of the term “relativistic” to describe Peter’s driving speed.
Jason is applying Einstein’s theory that, as one approaches the speed of light (as Peter apparently does), time and space are distorted. What Jason tried to explain to Paige was that Peter typically drives so fast that his ability to judge distances and spatial relationships is severely compromised, which is why he accidentally ran over her bike – Peter simply thought there was more space between him and her bike than there actually was, because his sight and perception were that badly distorted due to his excessive speed.
rugratz2222 almost 14 years ago
actually, because he is reading Victoria’s Secret, if he doesn’t stop that, he’ll go blind. And hit paige’s bike when he parks the car … ooops.
doctorwho29 over 5 years ago
I know it’s only a comic but I can’t even imagine going that fast in a residential area