Prickly City by Scott Stantis for May 23, 2020

  1. 1djojn
    RobinHood  almost 5 years ago

    Looks like Pac Man drank Dr. Jekyll’s potion.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Now go wash your hands.

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Get your hands thoroughly soapy and punch it again.

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  4. Chainlightning
    electricshadow Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Hey, you had all our support.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Not to worry, it’ll be mostly behind us by Memorial Day.

    Or maybe in April when the warm weather hits.

    And I’ve heard bigly great things about hydroxychloroquine. Go buy some.


    BTW, I don’t take responsibility for any of it.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    Day 30 of the Georgia Economic Recovery. Memorial Day honors those who triumphed over fear, to fight the good fight.

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  7. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    A deep dive into how the new coronavirus infects cells has found that it orchestrates a hostile takeover of their genes unlike any other known viruses do, producing what one leading scientist calls “unique” and “aberrant” changes.

    “It’s something I have never seen in my 20 years of” studying viruses, said virologist Benjamin tenOever of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, referring to how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, hijacks cells’ genomes.


    The “something” he and his colleagues saw is how SARS-CoV-2 blocks one virus-fighting set of genes but allows another set to launch, a pattern never seen with other viruses.


    The first group of genes produces interferons. These proteins, which infected cells release, are biological semaphores, signaling to neighboring cells to activate some 500 of their own genes that will slow down the virus’ ability to make millions of copies of itself if it invades them.

    This lasts seven to 10 days, tenOever said, controlling virus replication and thereby buying time for the second group of genes to act.

    This second set of genes produce their own secreted proteins, called chemokines, that emit a biochemical “come here!” alarm.

    When far-flung antibody-making B cells and virus-killing T cells sense the alarm, they race to its source. If all goes well, the first set of genes holds the virus at bay long enough for the lethal professional killers to arrive and start eradicating viruses.


    SARS-CoV-2, however, uniquely blocks one cellular defense but activates the other, he and his colleagues reported in a study published last week in Cell.


    The result is essentially no brakes on the virus’s replication, but a storm of inflammatory molecules in the lungs, which is what tenOever calls an “unique” and “aberrant” consequence of how SARS-CoV-2 manipulates the genome of its target.

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  8. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    Moderna Inc., a nearly 10-year-old Massachusetts-based biotech company, is suddenly the talk of the scientific community after they announced this week “positive” indications from their early work on a potential vaccine against the novel coronavirus.

    Not all of it is complimentary.

    The company has been embraced by a Trump administration desperate for good news in the fight against COVID-19.

    In April, Moderna received $483 million from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the government agency charged with overseeing the rapid production of a vaccine.

    And last week, one of its board members, Moncef Slaoui, was appointed the nation’s new “vaccine czar,” leading him to resign from his position at the company and announce plans to divest more than $12 million of equity holdings amid concerns about potential conflicts of interest.


    “It’s a bunch of opinions in a press release with no data,” Dr. Peter Jay Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, told ABC News.

    “You don’t do science by press release.”

    This type of behavior can have a “damaging effect,” Hotez said, by offering false hope that a vaccine could be ready in weeks or months, when the actual timeline is likely significantly longer.


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    William Robbins Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Good news on some reinfections. “It’s old, dead virus.”

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    WSJ has great commentary on fables today:

    The governors of Democratic states are devoted father and mother figures, shepherding their ignorant flocks with a mix of unchallengeable science and homespun wisdom. Governors of Republican states are (in some oddly bifurcated version I haven’t grasped yet) both half-wits who refuse to listen to medical experts and, at the same time, dastardly Machiavellian schemers, knowing that continued economic paralysis is going to doom them—and their patron, the quack-remedy-touting guy in the White House—at the polls.

    Open up the economy too soon, we’re told, and watch the hospitals fill and the bodies pile up, thanks to the mindless decisions of science-denying, heartless conservatives. Well, many states have indeed now opened up large parts of their economy. The results must be truly grim. Let’s check.

    Georgia lifted its most stringent restrictions on May 1. How are they doing? Plague hospitals overwhelmed? Bodies piled up in the streets? Not quite. Preliminary data suggest that the number of new daily cases has halved since May 1. Average daily deaths dropped from 36 on May 1 to seven this week.

    Ah, the narrative quickly pivots: But Georgia is a relatively small, sparsely populated state. What about Florida, a big populous place, a destination people flock to from all over, a viral stew of lethal scale—surely, absolute carnage down there? In Florida, daily deaths from the virus peaked on April 28. Since then the figure has declined by almost 50%.

    The story is the same or similar in most of the states that have opened up.

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  11. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago

    How Many Will Die for the Dow?

    In mid-March, after weeks in denial, Donald Trump finally admitted that Covid-19 was a serious threat and called on Americans to practice social distancing.

    The delayed acknowledgment of reality — reportedly driven by concerns that admitting that the coronavirus posed a threat would hurt the stock market — had deadly consequences.

    Epidemiological modelers believe that tens of thousands of deaths might have been avoided if America had started lockdowns even a week earlier.


    But Trump and the Republican Party as a whole have now given up on that strategy. They won’t say this explicitly, and they’re throwing up various disingenuous explanations for what they’re doing, but their basic position is that thousands of Americans must die for the Dow.

    What was the strategy Trump abandoned?

    It was the same strategy that has worked in other countries, from South Korea to New Zealand. First, use a lockdown to “crush the curve”: reduce the number of infected Americans to a relatively low level.

    Then combine gradual reopening with widespread testing, tracing of contacts after an infected individual is identified, and isolation of those who might spread the disease.

    There’s also a pretense that the push for reopening is coming from ordinary working Americans, that it’s a populist, grass-roots demand.

    But the public is much more worried that we’ll reopen too quickly than that we’ll open too slowly, and those who have lost wages as a result of the lockdown are no more likely to favor quick reopening than those who haven’t.

    No, the push to ignore the health experts is a top-down thing; it’s coming from Trump and his allies, and whatever limited public support they’re getting is driven by partisanship, not populism.

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  12. Piggy2
    Greyhame  almost 5 years ago

    “The war in Vietnam was ended today when John Wayne flew to Hanoi and punched it in the nose.”

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  13. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 5 years ago


    Nothing self-serving about this!

    At all!


    Ricky Sandler is ready for America to get back to business. Immediately.

    The hedge-fund manager, who oversees some $8 billion in assets at Eminence Capital, just penned an open letter touting herd immunity as the best path forward during the coronavirus pandemic.

    “My ultimate goal is to get thought leaders and the rest of the country to start thinking about the choices we have to make, the risks that come with those choices, the uncertainty within each of the choices and the likely negative consequences,” he told MarketWatch. “Let’s be clear. There are currently no good choices in front of us — only better ones and worse ones for the country overall.”


    “We have lost $10 trillion in market cap” due to the steep drop from February highs, he said at the time. “It is so far out of proportion I don’t even want to talk about the numbers.”


    Sandler reportedly lost billions in the initial crash, before recovering a “reasonable amount of our losses” when the market bounced off its March lows. Now, he’s on cautious footing.


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  14. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Anyone know what church Trump will attend this Sunday? Will any of the attendees wear masks?

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  15. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    BTW, any Trump Disciple want to explain WHY The Messiah was taking hydroxychloroquine?


    Of course that’s assuming he was not lying about taking it.


    Anyway, was it because he thought he was exposed to the virus and the HCQ would fight it off?

    Does he believe it makes him less likely to become infected? If so, why would he stop taking it?

    Does he think he’s been infected and HCQ will cure him?


    Is he claiming to take the drug just to pump up demand for it?

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    Important news from the Bee: Revokes Genealogies Of African Americans Who Don’t Support BidenMay 22nd, 2020

    LEHI, UT—Popular for-profit genealogy company has revoked the family heritage of any African American who says they would not vote for Joe Biden. The company said they made the changes to reflect prevailing social beliefs about race and culture.

    “It used to be if your ancestors were from Africa and your skin was a darker pigment, then you were considered black,” said Ancestry spokesperson Sheila Reinold. “Times have changed. What really determines a person’s blackness now—beyond genes, DNA, family trees—is Joe Biden. Any other determiner of race is pure malarkey at this point.”

    A frustrated customer, Brian Jennings of Log Ridge, Kentucky says he logged in to find his account had been wiped clean and years of ancestral research had been deleted all because he said in a recent Facebook post that he didn’t think he could bring himself to vote for “some 80-year old, white, dementia-riddled uncle creepy” for president.

    Reinold says that Ancestry is not abandoning customers like Jennings. “We are working with non-black blacks to places them into all-white genealogies free of charge.”

    Jennings says when he began seeking ancestral matches in his new account, his first match was a guy named Jethro Reginald Tinbucket who owned a cotton farm in West Virginia in the 1800s. After resubmitting his DNA, Jennings says he has come around to the changes receiving a huge amount of new matches to long lost relatives that are still alive today. “I plan to fly out to Colorado Springs to meet my real mom next month,” Jennings said. “Her name is Belinda and she didn’t blow her top when she found out I like Ben Shapiro. Thanks, Ancestry.”

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    Do you know the symptoms of Wuhan Contagion? Serious question. I was surprised. From a study in the UK by Nature Medicine: positive indicators (and false indicator in parenthesis) :

    1 by a wide margin – sudden loss of taste and smell 65% (22%)

    2 the expected – persistent cough 56% (45%)

    3 chest pain – 42% (39%)

    4 skipped meals – 41% (25%)

    5 fever – 33% (23%)

    6 hoarse voice – 31% (26%)

    7 fatigue – 29% (15%)

    8 diarrhea – 26% (19%)

    9 abdominal pain – 21% (18%)

    10 delirium – 18% (13%)

    11 shortness of breath – 15% (9%)

    Be somewhat wary, the methodology – cell phone survey – is unproven, but the sample was unusually large (15,600). Interesting nevertheless.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    Another important news flash from the Bee:

    Biden: ‘If You Don’t Let Me Sniff Your Hair, You Ain’t A Woman’May 22nd, 2020

    WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a recent interview with a female representative of the segment of the human species identifying as female, Biden made a strong case for why all women everywhere should vote for him without question, or at least let him sniff their hair.

    “Look, the thing, you know what it is,” Biden said. “The womenfolk know what’s at stake in this election. It’s hairy simple. Just let me vote on you, or you vote for me, the vote, b-b-b-blond applesauce baloney. Simple choice. If you don’t let me smell your hair, you ain’t a woman!” Biden then sat back in his chair with a smile, having “totally nailed” another interview.

    The female interviewer blinked a couple of times and followed up with some clarifying questions. “Mr. Vice President Biden, sir, if I may follow up on that, did you just say that if a woman doesn’t let you stick your nose in her hair then she’s not a real woman?”

    “I b-didn’t think I could possibly be more not clear!” Biden said with a perplexed look on his face. “If you don’t let me personally walk up behind you unannounced and bury my shnozzola deep within your flowing locks of cascading curly hair, YOU AIN’T A REAL WOMAN! NO MALARKEY!”

    Witnesses then walked in on Biden conversing with a Cabbage Patch doll who he mistook for a female interviewer. After hearing the news, feminists around the country responded by lining up outside Biden’s house to get a complimentary hair sniff, thereby affirming their statuses as real women.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    A local news item in the Bee:

    CDC Admits They’ve Been Looking Through Microscope Upside Down This Whole TimeMay 21st, 2020

    ATLANTA, GA—Oops! The CDC has revealed that its chief researchers have been looking through their microscopes upside down this entire pandemic.

    “Oh man! I wonder if this will change our projections,” said one scientist as a visiting scientist from the private sector showed him the proper way to look through the device. “Hey, you can see the sample a whole lot clearer this way. Neato! Hoo boy, were we way off on everything!”

    “No wonder our predictions were completely opposite of what happened! No wonder we keep having to revise our guidelines! Silly us! Oh well — hope we didn’t destroy the entire economy based on those faulty models from back when we were looking through the microscopes upside down.”

    Those rascally scientists! What goofballs!

    At publishing time, NASA had admitted the earth was only 6,000 years old after realizing they had been looking through their telescopes backward all this time.

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    jbmlaw01  almost 5 years ago

    Facebook To Begin Fact-Checking Misleading AvatarsMay 21st, 2020

    MENLO PARK, CA—Facebook announced today the social network will now be displaying a fact-check notice atop avatars that are an inaccurate portrayal of the user.

    Facebook noticed a plague of false and misleading avatars across the network as soon as the feature was introduced. Now, if the social network detects that a person looks significantly different from their avatar, a courtesy notice will appear onscreen letting other people know of the violation.

    “We have to be careful that our platform doesn’t get used to share fake avatars,” said Mark Zuckerberg. “We noticed lots of people that are, shall we say, pleasantly plump choosing the thin body type. There are also quite a few people with more homely features that are designing the hottest avatar possible. It’s a real problem, but rest assured we are dealing with it.”

    Congress has threatened to hold hearings if Zuckerberg does not get this under control, with many Democrats blaming Russia for the spread of fake avatars.

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  21. Motorhead lemmy killmister desktop 1572x2367 wallpaper 346801
    Warhaft  almost 5 years ago

    In our neighborhood, people have been locked down so long, coyotes are venturing into yards and attacking the pets. At least this one is different.

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