I love the new programmable pressure cookers, including those in the Instant Pot family. Punch a button specifying what food and it sets the timing and temperature automatically. Those can also be adjusted, for example, for larger or smaller cuts of meat.
Whole chickens, ginger cake, bread pudding, Sppanish rice, cheese fondue, and much more. No, I do not work for the shopping channel.
ikini Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I was always afraid of my mother’s pressure cooker. It looked a lot like this one.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 5 years ago
They should encode state secrets using mother’s recipes – nobody unauthorised is getting that information!
prrdh almost 5 years ago
Where would she get measurements? That’s how her mother taught her.
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I love the new programmable pressure cookers, including those in the Instant Pot family. Punch a button specifying what food and it sets the timing and temperature automatically. Those can also be adjusted, for example, for larger or smaller cuts of meat.
Whole chickens, ginger cake, bread pudding, Sppanish rice, cheese fondue, and much more. No, I do not work for the shopping channel.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
It’s easy. Just add a dash of salt, a pinch of sugar, and a dab of yogurt. Not a glob, a dab.
ddjg almost 3 years ago
Ah—“crescendo” being (mis)taken for “climax”—news writers have done that so often that it’s a no-no in the NY Times stylebook.