For Heaven's Sake by Mike Morgan for May 18, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago

    works for any theist

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    Davis D Danizier (3D)  almost 5 years ago

    Glad to see an accurate (if humorous) representation of biblical prayer as taught by Jesus. SILENT, PRIVATE prayer. Not public prayer.

    In his seminal message introducing his gospel, Jesus taught how to pray. He gave us the Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:9-15). But right before that, in Matt 6:5-8, he gave us the part that the institutionalist and fundamentalist don’t want you to see.

    Jesus PROHIBITED PUBLIC PRAYER. Oh, and not just in the secular public places. No. In any public place. Not even the houses of worship! Not even the synagogues. Get out your own Bibles and open them to Matthew chapter 6. Take them down from their pedestals, blow off the dust, and actually read what Jesus said. NO PUBLIC PRAYER, not even in the houses of worship.

    And please, do not respond with arguments against me. If you have a difference of opinion, your dispute is not against me. It is against Jesus. He is the one who said it, according to your own Bible.

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