Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for March 22, 2011

  1. Kirk inspirational posters james t kirk 7685921 750 600
    captainedd  over 13 years ago

    “What do you get when you feed a hungry Brewster?”

    “A bunch of little Brewsters?”

    “No, just one cheese-covered finger Brewster.”

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  2. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 13 years ago

    Futurama went back into production three years ago. A new season starts this coming June.

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  3. Large pumpkin in window
    Dkram  over 13 years ago

    You better follow Brewster, you know you get lost in a tube.


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  4. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 13 years ago

    God how I had to pester Mom to buy me a Tribble, which cane on the market two weeks after the episode..Burger King missed out on that marketing device.

    Andy, I need that beer bottle for the leaking sink! I’m working on it ,Flo.

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  5. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  over 13 years ago

    What? Do you know how long it takes to get a replacement jar from Earth? No way, Jose!

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  6. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 13 years ago

    Maybe this is a prelude to RU Sirius - The Musical in which the Tribbles and Cliff have a transporter accident and become a Tribble Cliff…

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  7. Comicsbeat icon
    matt  over 13 years ago

    Uh, hello Dr. Mel. Big glass jars are only for cheese balls.

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  8. Ist2 1237078 swiss cheese cut out on white
    fromage911  over 13 years ago

    This story arc is so cheesy.

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  9. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago

    The trouble with cheeseballs.

    MISSING Goes by the name “Avatar”. If found contact Coyoty.

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  10. Junco
    junco49  over 13 years ago

    From “The Trouble With Tribbles”

    MCCOY: “The nearest thing I can figure out is they’re born pregnant, which seems to be quite a time saver.”

    KIRK: “I know, but really.”

    MCCOY: “And from my observations, it seems they’re bisexual, reproducing at will. And, brother, have they got a lot of will.”

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  11. Hangingoutatthecanyon2
    nj23nut  over 13 years ago

    I’d sure love to see Brewster Rockit turn into an animated series!

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  12. Missing large
    rekam Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Digital Frog, good one!

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  13. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 13 years ago

    First panel tomorrow will be chock full of Tribbles….DFrog, that’s at least a ten pointer…Futurerama is on Comedy Central now..1am tonight, Eastern, well, technically it’ll be Wed….But they run it a lot. It’s great, the new ones are just as good…..

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  14. But eo
    Rakkav  over 13 years ago

    You used to be able to buy a very large Tribble at, and maybe you still can. I did; it makes a nice paperweight on top of one of my magazine/book stacks.

    For once I have no idea what Digital Frog is talking about. For me, at least, his joke fails (not his fault, probably, I just need a clue).

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  15. Large steve45
    JP Steve Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Treble Clef, JR:

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  16. But eo
    Rakkav  over 13 years ago

    And so I proceed from ignorance to dismay. Baaaaad joke by the Frog’s standards. He’s a sharp thinker, but that one fell flat. Just so he and you know the score.

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