Suggestion amp up your selenium, zinc, and nano silver intake as well as vitamin C & D…same as every flu & cold season. So far so good been doing it since decade 6 and well into decade 8 my immune system has kept the wee boogers away.
Pluggers are smart enough to know they have to protect themselves from those that don’t care (I call ‘em Russian Roulette players) and don’t wear masks. Same reason we’re CC’ers.
juncarlo over 4 years ago
Hey, all the old pluggers take care of themselves.
RussellRogerBe1 over 4 years ago
Suggestion amp up your selenium, zinc, and nano silver intake as well as vitamin C & D…same as every flu & cold season. So far so good been doing it since decade 6 and well into decade 8 my immune system has kept the wee boogers away.
Geophyzz over 4 years ago
Digging through my wood working tools, I found an old sawdust mask; and it was an N95!
Breadboard over 4 years ago
High Ho Silver ! Away !
ctolson over 4 years ago
Pluggers are smart enough to know they have to protect themselves from those that don’t care (I call ‘em Russian Roulette players) and don’t wear masks. Same reason we’re CC’ers.
TheDadSnorlax Premium Member over 4 years ago PRESCIENT
Jan C over 4 years ago
At least his nose is long enough that he doesn’t fog up his glasses.