Thatababy: Gas is a natural by-product of digestion. Dad: Whoa! Thatababy: I just wish it was helium.
That would be cool!
I wish it smelled like something you like to eat.
Certainly better than what we’ve got.
Decomposition don’t smell pretty good!
All babies would be on strings like balloons. hee hee
We could peg the babies with eggs before the timer runs out and they’d land back on our saddle.
Wait, what?
I’d like to make an important comment: Helium is important! We have a limited supply of Helium, and it can’t be replenished fast enough!
April 08, 2014
rayannina almost 14 years ago
That would be cool!
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I wish it smelled like something you like to eat.
Clell65619 almost 14 years ago
Certainly better than what we’ve got.
odeliasimone almost 14 years ago
Decomposition don’t smell pretty good!
lightenup Premium Member almost 14 years ago
All babies would be on strings like balloons. hee hee
Jaedabee almost 14 years ago
We could peg the babies with eggs before the timer runs out and they’d land back on our saddle.
Wait, what?
rgcviper almost 14 years ago
Venetus Alpha over 7 years ago
I’d like to make an important comment: Helium is important! We have a limited supply of Helium, and it can’t be replenished fast enough!