Many people assume if you don’t wear Western clothing you are not native born. Ergo, Huda wasn’t really born in the US. Because she chooses to wear a Hijab Abaya she must have been born someplace else.
That was so rude. Extremely rude. Where she is or isn’t from is none of her business.
I hate it when people presume to know more about me than I do! While I’m not assumed to be anything other than American, I am a member of a religion where I’m constantly told what I “really” believe, and it’s always false and also offensive. I have no doubt that Huda gets that, too….way more often than I do.
HunterIsACriminal over 4 years ago
Dani Rice over 4 years ago
Many people assume if you don’t wear Western clothing you are not native born. Ergo, Huda wasn’t really born in the US. Because she chooses to wear a Hijab Abaya she must have been born someplace else.
Mr. JRB over 4 years ago
Seem right to me lol, kidding
MichaelKimmel over 4 years ago
Mocking Spongebob
Buoy over 4 years ago
Wow, yes, in times like these, the Sass is so hard to control.
Sassy's Mom over 4 years ago
That was so rude. Extremely rude. Where she is or isn’t from is none of her business.
I hate it when people presume to know more about me than I do! While I’m not assumed to be anything other than American, I am a member of a religion where I’m constantly told what I “really” believe, and it’s always false and also offensive. I have no doubt that Huda gets that, too….way more often than I do.
Currently working on deleting comments over 4 years ago
Sir.waffle about 4 years ago
hey made on my birthday
tarrangar about 4 years ago
Why do you keep telling people you’re American, from your looks it’s clearly you’re just an European invader, that has lived there some generations.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
“Go back to your country!”
“Ok.” [Takes 1 step] “I’m back!”