The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for December 20, 2020
Ms. Overdunne: Gentlemen...we hav a lovely Father's Day event planned for you here at Elderpark...for those proud fathers who are expecting family visits today, we'll have a family sing-a-long here, led by yours truly...accompanied by Ludmilla on her balalaika. For those of you not meeting family, I've arranged a barbecue in the garden with cold beer, bratwurst and baseball on TV in the rec room. So.. People: 'scue me! Sorry! Comin' through! Ms. Overdunne: Now wait...this can't be right... Nurse Ludmilla: Did you say bratwurst?
dwane.scoty1 about 4 years ago
“Balalaika? Isn’t that what Ludmilla called yesterday’s cabbage Cassarole?”
ajr58(1) about 4 years ago
You had me at “beer.”
daisypekin01 about 4 years ago
I STILL prefer the way it used to be drawn. It’s harder to read now AND harder to even look at it.