The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for January 11, 2021
Real e-mails from real people to: from: Bonnie in California Dear Dusty: I live in a mobile-home park with a lot of peple who are over 70 years old. We like to put on funny hats and race motorized wheelchairs and golf carts. Wanna join us? -Bonnie Folks in California: What are they puttin' in your water out there? -Dusty
dwane.scoty1 about 4 years ago
You’re just jealous, Dusty! Why not get something similar going for Elderpark? After all, Ground Hog Day is looming!
ajr58(1) about 4 years ago
In the most recent Longmire book, a series by Craig Johnson, the residents in a veterans home in Absaroka county, Wyoming, have souped up their motorized wheelchairs. One even used a washing machine motor.
JDP_Huntington Beach about 4 years ago
Reminds me of the movie, “Silver Bullet”, from a short story by Steven King.
It has a friendly neighborhood werewolf who suddenly targets a disabled kid with a souped up wheelchair. The kid could go 20-30 mph in it, and outruns the werewolf in the movie a couple of times.
It stars Gary Busey and Corey Haim. There’s quality acting right there….oh not right there, the make-up guy was Carlo Rambaldi – for 1985 some of the effects were awesome ane he was really good in his later movies. BUT Steven King throttled back the werewolf effects, and limited visual time with it – so much so that the original Director quit.
awcoffman about 4 years ago
Sounds like fun
Bill The Nuke about 4 years ago
This is California. You should also ask what they’re smoking, snorting, or injecting.