The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for December 28, 2023
December 27, 2023
December 29, 2023
General: Take that hill, men!! Charge!! Jones-y! We did it! We did it! The war is over! The end. Teacher: Thank you, General. That was very... graphic. Boy: Miss Tackleford? What's a howitzer?
HowitzerThe howitzer is an artillery weapon that falls between a cannon and a mortar. With their long-range capabilities, howitzers can be used to great effect in a battery formation with other artillery pieces, such as long-barreled guns, mortars, and rocket artillery. – this is what i found, for i didn’t know it either….
clynnb1224 Premium Member about 1 year ago
HowitzerThe howitzer is an artillery weapon that falls between a cannon and a mortar. With their long-range capabilities, howitzers can be used to great effect in a battery formation with other artillery pieces, such as long-barreled guns, mortars, and rocket artillery. – this is what i found, for i didn’t know it either….
Diat60 about 1 year ago
Do long serving soldiers EVER leave the army?