Ah, the heady days of youth. Dialing all but the last number, then holding the rotary dial primed to reel off the last number, in hopes of being the third, or tenth, or sixth caller.
My husband had an uncanny knack at being the correct number caller to win several dialing competitions for concert tickets back in the early ’70s.
Corey Pandolph
April 22, 2016
June 04, 2017
August 12, 2017
November 22, 2017
MeGoNow Premium Member 9 months ago
Ah, the heady days of youth. Dialing all but the last number, then holding the rotary dial primed to reel off the last number, in hopes of being the third, or tenth, or sixth caller.
GKBOWOOD Premium Member 9 months ago
My husband had an uncanny knack at being the correct number caller to win several dialing competitions for concert tickets back in the early ’70s.