Berkeley Mews by Ben Zaehringer for June 15, 2020

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    julie.mason1 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Way too true.

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    gordrogb Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Author is implying that spending lots of money on education makes better students when that is absolutely not true. We spend more and more every single year without better results. You can look it up. Meantime, very few places are spending more on police.

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    Aliquid  over 4 years ago

    Funding for police has slowly and consistently going up. Over the last 4 years, the average % of city funding going to police has gone up from 6.6% of the budget to 7.8%… yet the police keep complaining that they are being underfunded.

    School funding on the other hand tanked during the last recession and has struggled to recover.

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    James Noury Premium Member over 4 years ago

    We need the police.

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  5. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  over 4 years ago

    maybe the kids can stay out of trouble by becoming police cadets…

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    washatkc  over 4 years ago

    Remember when the lottery money was going to be for education….then greedy politicians misdirected the money. Not to the police forth either.

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    organz  10 months ago

    How would a billion dollars fit in a wheel barrow?

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