You can be smarter than the dog but still be slower when they’re wound up… speaking as a lab-mix owner whose dog is mostly obedient until she gets the urge to “butt-tuck run” out of nowhere while on the extend-o-leash….
haha, so true. My lab finally grew out of it, kinda. But she is 13 years old, she probably just doesn’t care enough to use the energy it takes to pull. :)
Colt9033 almost 14 years ago
What a brat.
Plods with ...™ almost 14 years ago
Dog training 101. You have to be smarter than the dog
Niki1983 almost 14 years ago
You can be smarter than the dog but still be slower when they’re wound up… speaking as a lab-mix owner whose dog is mostly obedient until she gets the urge to “butt-tuck run” out of nowhere while on the extend-o-leash….
GROG Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Stubborn girl.
MaggieChanceMom12 almost 14 years ago
This is our our Lab-Pointer mix, “Princess” she has only two settings (even at the grand old age of 9 years) “Off” and “ON”
Sorry fellow Lab and Lab mixes owners… This is VERY accurate.
brian anderson creator almost 14 years ago
Indeed it is. When Sophie was a puppy, I would ask other lab owners when do they grow out of the whole pulling thing. They would just laugh.
Niki1983 almost 14 years ago
You mean, like this?
KimberlyT almost 14 years ago
haha, so true. My lab finally grew out of it, kinda. But she is 13 years old, she probably just doesn’t care enough to use the energy it takes to pull. :)