MythTickle by Justin Thompson for March 30, 2011

  1. New boody icon
    Justin Thompson creator almost 14 years ago

    Hi gang, sorry I’m late again.

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  2. App full proxy
    reverence  almost 14 years ago

    No need to be sorry. …And ,yes ,we all must mind our karma.

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  3. Magpie portrait
    slywlf54  almost 14 years ago

    Depressing as it is, thank you for the post NightGaunt49 - I am in the US and have been seeing fewer and fewer bees every year. My garden and property are totally organic, so I do get visitors and I am not adding to the problems, but this was grim reading :-( The next time I find a nearly dead bumble I may have to check to see if the same problem is happening here. I was fortunate enough to have a hand in helping a swarm get ready for winter last fall (long story) and I just hope it wasn’t a case of too little too late. If they come back this spring I will be so happy!

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