Don’t rely on your friends for help. When the chips are down they won’t come through for you no matter how much you’ve helped them in the past. At least that’s been my experience.
Call Kate, Dean and Charlotte will just be a distraction LOL…. Let me adjust that statement Dean might be a distraction Charlotte might be of some help, She’s always in the theater and crazy smart maybe she has one of those super memories when she memorize every line subconsciously.
codycab over 4 years ago
California, here Heart comes!
TampaFanatic1 over 4 years ago
Asking for help is the hardest thing to do at times Heart but yes it just might work! Give it a try before ya hoof it outta Philly!
Milady Meg over 4 years ago
I’d rather leave Philly. WC Fields had it right.
cubswin2016 over 4 years ago
Running away never solves anything.
Carl Fink Premium Member over 4 years ago
OK, this is too far-out a plot development. A middle-schooler taking advice from her mom without an argument? What fantasy world is this?
theincrediblebulk over 4 years ago
Don’t rely on your friends for help. When the chips are down they won’t come through for you no matter how much you’ve helped them in the past. At least that’s been my experience.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 4 years ago
Call Kate, Dean and Charlotte will just be a distraction LOL…. Let me adjust that statement Dean might be a distraction Charlotte might be of some help, She’s always in the theater and crazy smart maybe she has one of those super memories when she memorize every line subconsciously.
Bob. over 4 years ago
Why the jacket all the time? Put it on after you pack. Besides it is summer.
Neo Stryder over 4 years ago
Anything to avoid you become Marlon Brandon.