Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for July 20, 2020

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    rekam  over 4 years ago

    Well, Laura did tell him it was a good idea. At least he could have sat down first. Now she has to try to steer him to a chair and down onto it.

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    nosirrom  over 4 years ago

    Is it dangerous to wake a person who is sleep-standing?

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    Doctor Toon  over 4 years ago

    I wish it were that easy

    After a little over 6 years of working days, I finally got a chance to go back to night crew at work

    I took last week off to adjust my sleep schedule with moderate success

    Saturday night was my first night back and I should have slept like a rock yesterday

    Llots of flipping and flopping, more like a rolling stone

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    Markov Da Robot  over 4 years ago

    Why go to a bed when you can sleep right there?

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    Ralph Newbill  over 4 years ago

    So, where is this story arc heading? A general dream? The children planning a ‘surprise’? A reveal concerning the ‘big job’?

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Poor guy. Pretty soon that dream of falling is going to rush up on him and he really will hit the bottom.

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    heathcliff2  over 4 years ago

    He sleeps with his eyes open. The kids, maybe?

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    oakie817  over 4 years ago

    i had a buddy in the Navy who fell asleep once at attention

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 4 years ago

    You married him. You should be used to it by now.

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    Plods with ...â„¢  over 4 years ago

    Take a nap right now

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    Alberta Oil  over 4 years ago

    Takes years of practice to master the art of sleeping while standing… and when you can do it with eyes open, perfection.

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    cuzinron47  over 4 years ago

    And that’s after 10 pots of coffee to pull the all nighter.

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    David Rickard Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Adam obviously was never in the Army, else he’d be napping with his eyes open as well as standing up.

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