For at least 30 years now, publicly-traded corporations have scrambled to have at least one female and one black on their corporate boards because it cuts down on the pickets outside the annual meetings. The better companies pick members with actual credentials, so they are often not just tokens, but some are just celebrity PR cardboard-cutouts.
Dapperdan61 Premium Member almost 14 years ago
I got 5 out of 6, can I still enter ?
pschearer Premium Member almost 14 years ago
For at least 30 years now, publicly-traded corporations have scrambled to have at least one female and one black on their corporate boards because it cuts down on the pickets outside the annual meetings. The better companies pick members with actual credentials, so they are often not just tokens, but some are just celebrity PR cardboard-cutouts.
Jml58 almost 14 years ago
Dapper, as long as one of the 5 is “Rich”.