Boy does that look familiar. I do have sense enough though to choose a recorded program I have seen before, and know I will see again, so that if, or rather when I fall asleep I know I won’t be missing anything. I have seen it 5 or 6 times before, and have no plans to cancel recording of the series.
“you have now entered the twilight zone” the year 2020 – technical revolution is ongoing as electronics have invaded every facet of life. let us look in on Jessie and the way television has blossomed into the most boring, social justice pablum known to mankind. (soundtrack of tv babble) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz — ah yes there are many changes, but not in the mind control aspects of government/big tech television.
My wife and I watch TV nightly. Back ground noise as I read a good book and she cat naps. Trouble is she when she wakes she ask what has happened and I have no idea.
Baarorso over 4 years ago
“Stimulating TV program” sounds like an oxymoron! ;D
nosirrom over 4 years ago
Sleeping pill alternative.
Milady Meg over 4 years ago
“TV the way it was meant to be” — OFF
Ralph Newbill over 4 years ago
Just whom is he speaking to?
Michael G. over 4 years ago
That’s why I haven’t owned a TV since “The West Wing” went off the air. :-o
namleht over 4 years ago
Not off…as background noise for a nap…Yea Baseball
Jeff0811 over 4 years ago
Boy does that look familiar. I do have sense enough though to choose a recorded program I have seen before, and know I will see again, so that if, or rather when I fall asleep I know I won’t be missing anything. I have seen it 5 or 6 times before, and have no plans to cancel recording of the series.
micromos over 4 years ago
Too bad there aren’t any!
l3i7l over 4 years ago
Why is it that the more you wanted to watch a program, the more likely it is that you’ll fall asleep during the first commercial?
Saddenedby Premium Member over 4 years ago
“you have now entered the twilight zone” the year 2020 – technical revolution is ongoing as electronics have invaded every facet of life. let us look in on Jessie and the way television has blossomed into the most boring, social justice pablum known to mankind. (soundtrack of tv babble) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz — ah yes there are many changes, but not in the mind control aspects of government/big tech television.
And So It Goes over 4 years ago
My wife and I watch TV nightly. Back ground noise as I read a good book and she cat naps. Trouble is she when she wakes she ask what has happened and I have no idea.
paranormal over 4 years ago
Musta had turkey for dinner.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
Well, he’s got the unwinding part down. Guess the program wasn’t all that stimulating.
lordhoff over 4 years ago
So, he’s discovered that there are no “stimulating” TV programs.
wjones over 4 years ago
It takes a good program (one I don’t want to miss ) to put me to sleep.