smoked puffin tastes excellent…
Feed the birds Puffins Puffins a bag.
Hey, look at that flying umbrella.
Fish, meet barrel.
Puffins were once declared to be “fish” in order to circumvent Lent.
Live and learn, Little Dog.
February 08, 2017
hildigunnurr Premium Member almost 14 years ago
smoked puffin tastes excellent…
lewisbower almost 14 years ago
Feed the birds Puffins Puffins a bag.
Hey, look at that flying umbrella.
cstewart23 almost 14 years ago
Fish, meet barrel.
macsj almost 14 years ago
Puffins were once declared to be “fish” in order to circumvent Lent.
COWBOY7 almost 14 years ago
Live and learn, Little Dog.