Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for May 07, 2011

  1. Kirk inspirational posters james t kirk 7685921 750 600
    captainedd  almost 14 years ago

    Love to see Fred trying to explain to Wilma why he was running the town with a drunk leprechaun…

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  2. Large dd2
    zero  almost 14 years ago

    Somebody is feeling their oats…

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  3. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 14 years ago

    Do you think the store clerk would think I was getting them for my grand kids if I bought Sugar Bombs?

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  4. Snow on snout polar bear 1600x1200 799243
    Kirokithikis  almost 14 years ago

    Just make sure they are the chocolate coated sugar bombs - the plain ones are just too bland

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  5. Maromi avatar e
    nboady  almost 14 years ago

    That’s why I put extra sugar on my chocolate-coated sugar bombs. Although chocolate syrup works better.

    A lot of supermarkets still don’t have self-checkout. A shopper still has to “run the gauntlet” to pay for his/her purchase.

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