At my place it’s the opposite. I’m the one the does the cleaning/ I also work 40 hours and take care of the 2 yo. My older daughter takes care of the little one while I’m at work. My gf does work, but keeps all of the money to herself. Doesn’t clean, doesn’t cook. Doesn’t help take care of the little one. I’m usually exhausted everyday.
My wife lifts her feet for me when I’m vacuuming, she’ll even get up and move the chair to make it easier to get the dust under it. We’re retired and have divvied up the chores, she always hated vacuuming and I’ve never minded doing it.
My daughter and her husband live in a house that we own. The deal was that they would improve it (we pick up the major expenses) in lieu of rent. They both work 40 hrs/wk but she does all the housework, cooking, renovations around the house, and takes care of the 2 kids. He whines about what a POS the house is and does nothing. I’d love to kick him to the curb but that’s not my call to make.
allen@home over 4 years ago
Be sure you don’t strain yourself Earl when you help out around the house.
eromlig over 4 years ago
He makes all the big decisions, and she makes the little ones.
TStyle78 over 4 years ago
At my place it’s the opposite. I’m the one the does the cleaning/ I also work 40 hours and take care of the 2 yo. My older daughter takes care of the little one while I’m at work. My gf does work, but keeps all of the money to herself. Doesn’t clean, doesn’t cook. Doesn’t help take care of the little one. I’m usually exhausted everyday.
Breadboard over 4 years ago
The eyes have it ! Thank – you Roscoe !
jagedlo over 4 years ago
Don’t you feel better now that you have the peanut butter jar off your head, Roscoe?
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Just a brief moment of madness, Earl. It will pass.
Jeffin Premium Member over 4 years ago
Good boy Earl. Good boy.
pathfinder over 4 years ago
If he had a LaZBoy sofa, she wouldn’t have to ask.
rickmac1937 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Time for a new friend
Zebrastripes over 4 years ago
Seek help…..or lay down some house rules… day something’s gotta give…..
ERBEN2 over 4 years ago
Thank you , Brian for today Roscoe in all four panels . His eyes in all four panels are just precious .
cubswin2016 over 4 years ago
I bet that Opal would not agree with Earl’s last statement.
iggyman over 4 years ago
Even Roscoe is amazed to see Earl move!
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
Their vacuum is as old as their car.
Serial Pedant over 4 years ago
J Short over 4 years ago
It took Earl 2 days to get over his sore abs.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
When Earl lies around doing nothing, he’s just getting reps and building up stamina for when he’s dead, and has to do it all the time.
Gameguy49 Premium Member over 4 years ago
My wife lifts her feet for me when I’m vacuuming, she’ll even get up and move the chair to make it easier to get the dust under it. We’re retired and have divvied up the chores, she always hated vacuuming and I’ve never minded doing it.
Bill The Nuke over 4 years ago
My daughter and her husband live in a house that we own. The deal was that they would improve it (we pick up the major expenses) in lieu of rent. They both work 40 hrs/wk but she does all the housework, cooking, renovations around the house, and takes care of the 2 kids. He whines about what a POS the house is and does nothing. I’d love to kick him to the curb but that’s not my call to make.
eabeno over 4 years ago
WOW! Roscoe (the best character in this comic) has been in 9 of the last 10 strips.
sparkle 13 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Those fleeting moments of lucidity !!! Lol
Buckeye67 over 4 years ago
Earl just gets comfortable on the couch and Opal decides to use the vacuum. How inconsiderate.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
I hope he recovers quickly.
Classyladyor over 4 years ago
Earl needs to get up off his tush and do his share. Opal is not his slave.
pbr50138 over 4 years ago
He knows how to enjoy retirement…and so do I.