Matt Wuerker for September 03, 2020

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    sandflea  almost 4 years ago

    Especially the PINO.

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    COL Crash  almost 4 years ago

    Starting off by pointing to Universally objectionable behavior (like Child Sexual Abuse) is how they set the hook.

    Once they’ve snagged the fools, they reel them in with the ridiculous Conspiracy theories that only serve to peg those metric dials at the top of the screen.

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    jkn1027  almost 4 years ago

    QAnon is redneck scientology

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Is there a “conspiracy theory” that Trump DOESN’T like? Just asking.

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  5. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  almost 4 years ago

    Somebody needs to tap the “chaos” and “hate” gauges – they both appear to be stuck at too low a reading.

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    john_chubb  almost 4 years ago

    But there really is a secret cabal of pedophiles ruling America.

    The shadowy head of the cabal was caught and “committed suicide” while awaiting trial.

    The dedicated procurer to the head of the cabal sits behind bars right now, awaiting trial.

    The top member of the secret cabal currently in power is trying desperately to deflect people’s attention from the above two facts by propping up the Qspiracy. Nevertheless, he “wishes her well”.

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