Nancy Classics by Ernie Bushmiller for July 01, 2022

  1. Quatermass2 0001 layer 4
    Dr. Quatermass  over 2 years ago

    I’m originally from the DC area but been living in NY’s North Country for 11 years. There’s a drive in theater here in this area (Alexandria Bay). The food is awesome. They serve the usual burgers and franks but they also serve things like fried shrimp, calamari, chicken cordon bleu and crab rangoon. I’ve never seen a drive-in menu that has ever had that kind of menu!

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    Susan00100  over 2 years ago

    But you’ll need binoculars to actually see what’s happening on that screen.

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    Susan00100  over 2 years ago

    Notice the rows far away from the screen.

    Undoubtedly, those were installed so patrons (who can’t see the screen, anyway) can smoke dope, suck face, etc.

    The owners won’t care, as long as they get $$$.

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    jagedlo  over 2 years ago

    Wow, the poor kid is going to be used by Nancy for what he can provide!

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    WaitingMan  over 2 years ago

    “Friends with benefits” used to have a totally different meaning.

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    Dat Nancy! Already scheming with da new kid!

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  7. Biflag
    Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe  over 2 years ago

    Reminds me of Wrigley Field

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    jrankin1959  over 2 years ago

    This must be an old one to have a predecessor to drive-in theaters.

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    tims145  over 2 years ago

    “Open Air Movies”? I know there used to be drive-ins, but was this ever a thing anywhere? Wow, the things I don’t know about this country….

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  10. Frank gifford
    nyg16  over 2 years ago

    that is what my father called drive-ins ; “open air shows”

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  11. Jolie album
    brklnbern  over 2 years ago

    Miss ulterior motives.

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    Kip Williams  over 2 years ago

    An outside movie with no cars. If it wasn’t for comics, I might not have known these had ever existed. Thanks, Ernie!

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