Reminds me of the days when we used to fundraise for our kids and we set up coffee/tea/water and charged $1.00 for each…and we had parents come to the practice with a coffee shop coffee or water, which cost way more; and they knew beforehand that this would be out year-long fundraiser and they voted on the idea… and their kids would benefit in the long run, and they complained that the fundraiser charged too much…In the end we did end up in the black after supplies, but some parents never bought that coffee…
codycab over 4 years ago
$5 Heart?! For that much, I could get five bottles of Dr. Pepper.
whahoppened over 4 years ago
She’s now learned one of many rules of retail.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 4 years ago
Do you research heart
cubswin2016 over 4 years ago
Business is fickle.
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 4 years ago
Especially going from $1 to $5..,your mighty “Thirsty” kiddo….
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
Calling yourself a genius isn’t what real geniuses do. Which why this is soooooo funny.
1JennyJenkins over 4 years ago
Reminds me of the days when we used to fundraise for our kids and we set up coffee/tea/water and charged $1.00 for each…and we had parents come to the practice with a coffee shop coffee or water, which cost way more; and they knew beforehand that this would be out year-long fundraiser and they voted on the idea… and their kids would benefit in the long run, and they complained that the fundraiser charged too much…In the end we did end up in the black after supplies, but some parents never bought that coffee…
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
Learning experience, kiddo. Why not try $2,00?