Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 24, 2020

  1. 1djojn
    RobinHood  over 4 years ago

    Where have all the flowers gone?

    Long time passing

    Where have all the flowers gone?

    Long time ago

    Where have all the flowers gone?

    Girls have picked them every one

    When will they ever learn?

    When will they ever learn?

    Peter Seeger

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  2. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 4 years ago

    It’s been a month of stantisfernuthin’ whining.

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  3. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 4 years ago

    We know that Vladimir Putin takes his lifelong campaign to disrupt American democracy and destroy the very foundations of Western civilization extremely seriously—but that doesn’t mean he and his state media minions can’t have a little fun with it now and then.

    A bizarre and, frankly, deeply disturbing ad from the state-controlled RT network shows a deep-faked President Donald Trump joining the channel as an anchor.

    Although the wig is dodgy, the video superimposes Trump’s face onto a chubby body and plays real clips of him denigrating CNN and lavishing praise on “amazing” Russia.


    At another point, when the Trump character is apparently lauding the Kremlin for the generous benefits they pay him, he says: “They’re very nice. I make a lot of money with them. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions.”

    Those comments are lifted from a campaign rally in 2015, when Trump was praising Saudi Arabia.


    The Daily Beast reported last week that state media is openly rooting for Trump and salivating at the prospect of a post-election civil war.

    Imagining such a conflict, a columnist for RIA Novosti recently wrote, “It is better to remain neutral, but if we had to choose, then Trump is certainly ours.”

    Moreover, the atrocious hairpiece aside, RT’s deep-fake technology is pretty impressive at first glance.

    If Russian disinformation damaged the election so much four years ago, imagine what a deep-faked video of Joe Biden saying something unconscionable could be if it spread like wildfire on Facebook before any kind of correction could be heard.

    In a press release celebrating its video, RT wrote, “If all doesn’t go well for Donald Trump at the polls on November 3, then don’t worry Mr President, just hop on a plane to Moscow because there’s a job waiting for you.”


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  4. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 4 years ago

    It isn’t just that Donald Trump is crazy.

    It isn’t just that he lies.

    It’s not just that his administration is filled with chaos.

    And it isn’t just that he is “Putin’s puppet.”

    There’s another problem we tend to overlook as we react to the president’s bombast, wild claims, misogyny, racism, lies, greed, avarice, and abandonment of all the core principles of our country and his party.

    We overlook it because it is so common that it is no longer news.

    It is this: Donald Trump rarely shows up in the West Wing, and when he does, he is too incompetent to effectively fulfill his oath of office.

    The Marine guard posted outside of Trump’s office when he is in it almost never appears before noon and is rarely seen in the afternoon.

    There have been days when Trump has held press briefings where the guard wasn’t outside of the door even as Trump entered the briefing room—indicating that Trump may have walked straight from the residence to the briefing room.

    No guard on duty outside of the West Wing after a Trump appearance would indicate he walked straight back to the residence.

    The image of the hard-working Trump that he and his supporters love to promote is false.

    The lack of attendance leads to presidential inaction on key issues.

    Trump has promised infrastructure and healthcare reform since his first day in office. We haven’t gotten them.


    The message coming out of the Trump White House could not be more muddled. It has been this way all along.

    Many of Trump’s lies are a symptom of his lack of engagement in the job he’s been elected to perform.

    The man in charge isn’t there. His pathological lying exists to cover up his lack of engagement.

    Everything becomes a political debate and Trump must always be right.


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    William Robbins Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Oswiecim gardens had some lovely flowers.

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    BRBurns1960  over 4 years ago

    Take your pick: Global warming destroying biomes resulting in species collapse and desertification, bees on the endangered species list risking an end to pollenization of select flowering species, emerging flora diseases wiping out genetically narrow plants bred for specific purposes, or just general we are so 

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    Bruce1253  over 4 years ago

    Sometime you need to decompress. Go for a walk on the beach, spend time looking at the stars at night, play with your kids / grandkids, go to the park and play fetch with your dog, pet your cat. Then you will be ready to go back in and engage once again.

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    Thinkingblade  over 4 years ago

    It is about the transience of such simple beauty, that we need to continually search for it to keep it in our view.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 4 years ago

    You plucked it and killed it is why.

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