So Shoe, which would you prefer. That the lawyer puts the bite on you? Or would you rather he constrict you? Although it sounds like he, the lawyer, is more the biting type.
The escalating proliferation of attorney jokes is deeply troubling.
As a society, we should be looking for new forms of inclusion, not wasting our efforts on played out tropes and overwrought silliness. Attorneys are people, too, or so I’ve been told, and rumors about them sucking human blood and fearing the light of day are mostly exaggeration.
Let us repent and invite attorneys back into our lives, not wincing when we receive their outrageous invoices and ridiculous hourly rates. Lawyer lives do matter, else why would they charge so much?
Yours truly,
Another Member of the World’s Most Valuable Profession
dadthedawg Premium Member over 4 years ago
He’s a snake… the bushes.
Superfrog over 4 years ago
Fangs for the advice.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
Rattlesnake meat is not all that bad! If he is just going to make a lot of noise… take advantage of Him!
littlejohn Premium Member over 4 years ago
So Shoe, which would you prefer. That the lawyer puts the bite on you? Or would you rather he constrict you? Although it sounds like he, the lawyer, is more the biting type.
ERBEN2 over 4 years ago
I have heard that in the GREAT STATE of TEXAS they have a rattle snake hunt every year . I wonder what they do with all of the snakes that they kill ?
trainnut1956 over 4 years ago
Calling a lawyer a rattlesnake is an insult to rattlesnakes.
cocavan11 over 4 years ago
If snakes actually have tails, how can one tell where its body ends and its tail begins?
DCBakerEsq over 4 years ago
Dear GoComics,
The escalating proliferation of attorney jokes is deeply troubling.
As a society, we should be looking for new forms of inclusion, not wasting our efforts on played out tropes and overwrought silliness. Attorneys are people, too, or so I’ve been told, and rumors about them sucking human blood and fearing the light of day are mostly exaggeration.
Let us repent and invite attorneys back into our lives, not wincing when we receive their outrageous invoices and ridiculous hourly rates. Lawyer lives do matter, else why would they charge so much?
Yours truly,
Another Member of the World’s Most Valuable Profession
Numbnumb over 4 years ago
That is the best comment from Shoe in a long time!!
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
Very funny there are many snaky pols. out there.
Larrycleve over 4 years ago
I don’t know what’s creepier. Shoe with no clothes or the Perfessor with no pants and his socks around his ankles.