I thaught it was, the birds and the bees.
Mr. H. Bee was matched up with a redheaded Ms. BirDaffodil.
They left out panel #3 where he nectar.
Or all abuzzzz.
How many years has it been since there’s been a non-internet “computer dating” service? Get with it, Summers!
Looks like she has some plans of her own.
@runar – Could it be that ‘DATING’ is easier to spell than ‘ESCORT’?
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do…
Dana Summers
April 03, 2015
LLABDDO almost 14 years ago
I thaught it was, the birds and the bees.
Woody157 almost 14 years ago
Mr. H. Bee was matched up with a redheaded Ms. BirDaffodil.
Digital Frog almost 14 years ago
They left out panel #3 where he nectar.
Larry Miller Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Or all abuzzzz.
runar almost 14 years ago
How many years has it been since there’s been a non-internet “computer dating” service? Get with it, Summers!
Woody157 almost 14 years ago
Looks like she has some plans of her own.
Woody157 almost 14 years ago
@runar – Could it be that ‘DATING’ is easier to spell than ‘ESCORT’?
Coyoty Premium Member almost 14 years ago
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do…