Pickles by Brian Crane for August 02, 2009

  1. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 15 years ago

    Just push the button. It canā€™t be as bad as the condom ads in China - horrible yet hilarious.

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  2. Thumbnail.aspx
    carpetinwater9  over 15 years ago

    Sex sells.

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  3. 180px data
    rdh288  over 15 years ago

    Whatā€™s so funny? Iā€™ve done pretty much this for some five year olds during Dennis the Menace

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  4. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 15 years ago

    Letā€™s go back to the Fifties!!!!!!!!!!!

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  5. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    Oh yes letā€™s! When they didnā€™t advertize such things on prime time TV!

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  6. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    Quick reflexes, Opal!

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  7. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    The woman can still move, huh?

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  8. Owls 96
    gjsjr41  over 15 years ago

    Hey Opal, welcome to the 21st. century.

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  9. 428361 2798372522932 1367096406 32251837 383517803 n
    chateauxmargaux  over 15 years ago


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  10. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  over 15 years ago

    One of the reasons we quit watching TV years ago.

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  11. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 15 years ago

    Who cares?! We need to know what those products are for! But other than that, I do not have to know anyway.

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  12. Over the hedge free online comic strip library at comics.com 1250881177913
    Kate777  over 15 years ago

    TV hasnā€™t been any good since the corporate types took over the studios, and it stopped being about creativity and became all about the bottom line. Old TV was an art form, new TV is a business. We unplugged years ago. Do wish more of the really brilliant old programs were available online, so todayā€™s generation could see what they are missing.(So much of what is there is definately ā€œBā€ list)

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  13. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago

    for an( LA!LA!LA!LA! ) lasting four hours , contact your physician immediately

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  14. Glass eye 002
    joanne13  over 15 years ago

    why do they waste money advertising? every one knows about it!

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  15. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 15 years ago

    I use the mute button but also am finding it easier and easier to just not turn on the TV at all.

    Was visiting at my brotherā€™s house. They never muted the commercials, nearly drove me crazy. Same commercials every commercial break every 3.5 minutes.

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  16. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  over 15 years ago

    Since we now have to put up with converter boxes there are old time shows usually black & white on chanel 49. Some of the new show are too great. Friday I like Suburbia with Bob Saget. I like his being sarcastic. During summer for me is reading and go-comics. Fall with Dancing With The Stars, I am really hooked on I canā€™t do those dance steps. And court shows. The people who do not watch TV miss out whats going on with the news. We ourselves did not go for trade in old cars for new.

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  17. B.avie4
    blazedancer  over 15 years ago

    I donā€™t watch TV at all, if there is something important going on someone will tell me about it, or Iā€™ll see it online.

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  18. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    News and football are the only network shows Iā€™ll watch these days. Shows from the 60ā€™s & 70ā€™s were among the best. I think network primetime has been sliding since the late eightles. Unfortunately, I donā€™t think itā€™s hit rock bottom yet.

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  19. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    Back in the 60s and 70s people complained about sex and violence. They should see today. PBS was the first network to show full frontal nudity

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  20. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    olfart said, Hey, here is a novel concept. Instead of sequestering your children, try talking to them. Explain why you object to certain ideas and images. Of course that requires that you know your reasons, but thinking wonā€™t hurt you either. ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” Iā€™ve got two kids, 22 and 18. Weā€™ve been talking to them for years. Thanks to President Clinton and his stained blue blouse theyā€™ve seen this kind of junk on the TV for years. It doesnt mean we want to watch it though. Iā€™m sitting alone at home, watching TV with my wife, neither one of us wants to watch some stupid ā€˜male potentcyā€™ product. And most of it isnt even for impotentcy any more, itā€™s to make you ā€˜more powerful and virileā€™. Dude, if you think you need that kind of garbage you need more help than some little pill can give you. You need to grow a whole new set of nads.

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  21. Pict0026
    caddy.1957  over 15 years ago

    Possibly AciPhexā€¦if ci = s and ph=f say it out loud nowā€¦but not where your childeren can hear youā€¦.. Gotcha!

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  22. Thumbnail.aspx
    carpetinwater9  over 15 years ago

    CaddyShack OK!

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  23. 9
    darwin4139  over 15 years ago

    I think itā€™s that bob commercial

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  24. No obama
    Guilden_NL  over 15 years ago

    darwin4139, Great minds thing alike! ā€œBig Wood!ā€ Otherwise, it might have been the See Alice commercial where they promise to help you build an Erector anytime over 24 hours. Iā€™d like mine to be a steam shovel please!

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  25. Lore01
    lorelei6361  over 15 years ago

    Yes the remote has saved my sanity. Whats left of it anyway. I donā€™t know about the sheep out there, but a commercial never made me buy something I didnā€™t want anyway. And if you annoy me with your stupid commercial enough times, I will boycott whatever it is.

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  26. Missing large
    gigi2nine  over 15 years ago

    humor is in the eye of the beholder! since i just witnessed this scene in my house when my granddaughter and 3 yr old great-grandson were visiting, i was very amused. opal is from the older generation when morals were taught in the home, and kids were kept innocent longer. now tv has made that impossible, so itā€™s up to the remote controller. btw, it was my granddaughter who was grabbing for the remote. iā€™ve become immune to it, kinda like earl.

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  27. Earl s pink pants
    REDFOX15  over 11 years ago


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