Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for November 07, 2020

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 4 years ago

    Just remember to put the plug back in before you add the new oil.

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  2. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 4 years ago

    That would be me. This is why I pay to have it done.

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    hans Premium Member over 4 years ago

    That is why I NEVER goes near a car holding a tool of any kind!

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    Daniel Verburg  over 4 years ago

    Foreign car with the engine or maybe the gearbox in the middle of the car ?

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    Jeffin Premium Member over 4 years ago

    He’s a chimp off the old engine block.

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    Plods with ...â„¢  over 4 years ago

    Have to take the splash pan off the bottom of my car to change the oil and filter on my present car.

    What a pain in the @ss….

    for the mechanic.

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  7. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  over 4 years ago

    Reminds me of something I hadn’t thought of in many years. A friend and I were trying to change the oil in his car, but just couldn’t get the old filter out (and we had one of those special tools). After a really frustrating time, we went inside and he got out some Coors beer. At that time, Coors wasn’t sold east of the Mississippi, so this was a special treat. When we went back out to the car, the filter came off slick as snake snot…

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    Alberta Oil  over 4 years ago

    Guess those ratcheting wrenches worked, but in the hands of an armature..

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  9. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 4 years ago

    Many, many years ago, Hubby drove the car up on ramps to look at something, and asked me to put the car into neutral – or something. All I remember is that the car began to drift backwards, and I had to slam on the brakes. He’d forgotten to put chocks behind the rear wheels. And No, he’s never lived it down.

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    paullp Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Many years ago, tried to change my own oil and filter. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN. I learned to let the pros do it. They don’t charge that much, and they usually do other lubing, check fluids, etc.

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    MartinPerry1  over 4 years ago

    A) Run the engine to warm up the oil to make the oil flow better. B) Turn off the engine before taking out the plug.

    I’d go on with the rather simple steps, but I think Bub missed step B).

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