I’ve pretty much given up on the TV. Spouse turns it on in the room with us, but we both tend to “watch” it over our reading material… except that sometimes I have to put on earphones to stand it.
I was once trapped in a hotel room and got roped into watching tv. (I don’t have a tv at home). I saw a show on Discovery about secret science/aliens and it was hosted by some scientist…William Shatner…and (wait for it) Megan Fox. I weep for our nation.
We are one of the household’s that has “cut the cable” and only get subscription based services over the internet – oddly enough the result of the greater control over what I watch, has led to watching less. It probably is better for me overall.
I’ve heard that today’s antenna and basic cable TV are the post-apocalyptic wasteland left by people who can afford computers: They mostly target poor people.
Concretionist about 4 years ago
I’ve pretty much given up on the TV. Spouse turns it on in the room with us, but we both tend to “watch” it over our reading material… except that sometimes I have to put on earphones to stand it.
Auntie Socialist about 4 years ago
…and after paying through the nos. up front for commercial-free programming, we are deluged with… commercials!
Lou about 4 years ago
I was once trapped in a hotel room and got roped into watching tv. (I don’t have a tv at home). I saw a show on Discovery about secret science/aliens and it was hosted by some scientist…William Shatner…and (wait for it) Megan Fox. I weep for our nation.
Nuliajuk about 4 years ago
He’s not wrong.
Thinkingblade about 4 years ago
We are one of the household’s that has “cut the cable” and only get subscription based services over the internet – oddly enough the result of the greater control over what I watch, has led to watching less. It probably is better for me overall.
Stephen Gilberg about 4 years ago
I’ve heard that today’s antenna and basic cable TV are the post-apocalyptic wasteland left by people who can afford computers: They mostly target poor people.
Willywise52 Premium Member about 4 years ago
olmon about 4 years ago
Lol — My wife turns the TV on & I turn my hearing aids off BUT I don’t take them out. They make great earplugs when turned off.