G-Man Webcomics by Chris Giarrusso for October 26, 2020

  1. Missing large
    ddunovant7  over 4 years ago

    First, I agree with letting G-Man go! He had no role in writing the comics with the misspelled or misused words. Plus he still needs to get his face fixed!

    Now here is where I disagree with the ruling. Great Man should no just get off because the Word Police threw G-Man in jail too. He should face some consequence for his actions.

    Perhaps the Word Police and the Ice Cream Police from the earlier trial can team up. They can appeal the rulings on Great Man to a higher court. The actual evidence against Great Man is overwhelming and incontrovertible (just read the Webcomics).

    Great Man should go on trial and his lawyer better be careful with what he says. The death penalty can still be put on the table by the prosecution upon appeal.

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  2. Watermelon avv
    car2ner  over 4 years ago

    I think the ever expanding title is the best part

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  3. Download
    check out peeps1007's youtube channel please  over 4 years ago


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  4. A1b0ce31 d965 48ff 985e 01672917b2b2
    Oldbean28  almost 3 years ago

    Let’s go

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