Colonel Mustard? Clue? Complimentary penguins singing hare krishna man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe!
What? What! I love it Roger B.N.T.O.,T.O.O. If you are not a writer - ala; Tom Robbins- You’re missing a good bet! Excellent reply.
My dear Mr. Tubbsbottl - I wish I could claim to have written that, but alas, I must defer and credit it to Messr’s McCartney and Lennon. The mention of Colonel Mustard caused me to flash back to the Sergeant Pepper album, specifically, “I Am The Walrus”.
Elementary penguin, not complimentary. And it wasn’t Sergeant Pepper, either - it was Magical Mystery Tour. Is this Brewster’s memory we’re seeing here, or are we all just getting too old?
They wrote “elementary” and I wrote “complimentary”. I like mine better. However, it was MMT and not SP. Temporary insanity due to combination of flashback to the 1960s, brain fart and phone call from the boss all occurring simultaneously. Mea culpa, okay?
margueritem about 16 years ago
Brewster, you’re so ‘Clue’less.
wndrwrthg about 16 years ago
“We will fight them in the airlocks, we will fight them in the corridors, we will fight them on the flight deck. We shall never surrender”.
snapper1 about 16 years ago
Good one, Marg. That was pretty cute!!
Net1360 about 16 years ago
Raid heck! Where’s a giant can of Bengal?!
ChiehHsia about 16 years ago
Colonel Mustard? Clue? Complimentary penguins singing hare krishna man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe!
gigabyte03 about 16 years ago
Roger, but not THAT one, the other one. says:
Colonel Mustard? Clue? Complimentary penguins singing hare krishna man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe! What? What! I love it Roger B.N.T.O.,T.O.O. If you are not a writer - ala; Tom Robbins- You’re missing a good bet! Excellent reply.
ChiehHsia about 16 years ago
My dear Mr. Tubbsbottl - I wish I could claim to have written that, but alas, I must defer and credit it to Messr’s McCartney and Lennon. The mention of Colonel Mustard caused me to flash back to the Sergeant Pepper album, specifically, “I Am The Walrus”.
Sherlock Watson about 16 years ago
The candlestick won’t do much good – better use the revolver!
montycantsin2 about 16 years ago
I’m having a flashback to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Digital Frog about 16 years ago
LOL Marg.
I say, forget Clue, Brewster and Pam are in Trouble (and Pam is Sorry she signed on with this crew…)
farren about 16 years ago
Elementary penguin, not complimentary. And it wasn’t Sergeant Pepper, either - it was Magical Mystery Tour. Is this Brewster’s memory we’re seeing here, or are we all just getting too old?
Digital Frog about 16 years ago
Well, that’s Life…
ChiehHsia about 16 years ago
They wrote “elementary” and I wrote “complimentary”. I like mine better. However, it was MMT and not SP. Temporary insanity due to combination of flashback to the 1960s, brain fart and phone call from the boss all occurring simultaneously. Mea culpa, okay?
gigabyte03 about 16 years ago
Roger, but not THAT one, the other one.: None the less good sir, you did call it up from years gone by, Bravo I say!
As the philosopher once queried; “Who then is the true artist, he who sculpts the master work, or he who sees profound beauty”.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 6 years ago
A really big flyswatter…? Malathion…? Killtox..? Cutter fogger…? Shoot, go for broke: DDT. Harmless to humans at high levels.