Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for November 28, 2020

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    rekam  over 4 years ago

    Looks like the colorist goofed in the last panel.

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    TStyle78  over 4 years ago

    Pumpkin Spice is the Devil!

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Pumpkin spice; for those who want to ruin a good latte.

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  4. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  over 4 years ago

    A word in defense of pumpkin spice. It, and sugar, turn an utterly boring squash into a decent pie. Different tools have different functions, and should be used for what they do well. A hammer is very good for driving in a nail. A hammer makes a poor letter opener, it won’t boil soup, and two of them – strapped to your feet – make a poor pair of shoes.

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    trainnut1956  over 4 years ago

    How dare you dis my Pumpkin Spice Preparation H!!!

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    Bryan Smith Premium Member over 4 years ago

    People’s obsession with it and its resulting over-proliferation is far worse than it itself.

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    gantech  over 4 years ago

    There’s a latte of that going around.

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    Cactus-Pete  over 4 years ago

    Strange how many people think that pumpkin spice is supposed to have pumpkin in it.

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    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    I wore a half-face respirator mask with P100 filters to go shopping until someone pointed out that this is a “vented” device. It was protecting me but not others, so I switched to a KN95 face mask, which filters in both directions.

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  10. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 4 years ago

    I could say something, but I’d probably just end up triggering some poor high-strung soul.

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    dragonfury98  over 4 years ago

    Where can I buy one of those suits???

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    aunt granny  over 4 years ago

    I never hear or see anything about pumpkin spice except people complaining that it’s everywhere.   It was popular one fall and people have been recycling the tired old jokes ever since.

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  13. Toughcat
    bakana  over 4 years ago

    The Flu. Pumpkin Spice.

    Both equally dangerous.

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    geese28  over 4 years ago

    Pumpkin Spice-19 in full effect. The following symptoms….sweet aroma, mouth watering, mood enhancing. Could be contracted with coffee, latte, frap and muffin. What’s the cure?…….EAT IT!!!!

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