Fred Basset by Alex Graham for December 20, 2020

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    mikenjanet  about 4 years ago

    You know it. Santa’s still checking his list – twice even. They aren’t about to risk it. Smart boys. However we know you are ALWAYS a good boy, Fred. You have no worries.

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    rekam  about 4 years ago

    And their mum’s making the most of it, too.

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 4 years ago

    We would not want KRAMPUS come “visiting” on Christmas Eve, now would we??


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    Breadboard  about 4 years ago

    Fred will you also be as good as gold ?

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    DavBlc7  about 4 years ago

    Looking good so far but they cannot meet their grandma and granddad this year.

    Sadly for Britain the new virus is running amok and we can only meet three households on Christmas Day but not the old people. Only in Tier 4 no Christmas Day gatherings!

    So Sad but hopefully next year we may have different Christmas.

    Enjoy Christmas safety.

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    bxclent  Premium Member about 4 years ago

    also could you paint the house and put up the awnings

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    Ralph Newbill  about 4 years ago

    We need snow for Christmas!

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    bigal666  about 4 years ago

    Can we have the cat for Christmas?

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    heathcliff2  about 4 years ago

    Till next year.

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    Ron Bauerle  about 4 years ago

    Although if they’ve been bad all year such that their parents decided to not get them anything, it’s too late now…

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