In Security by Bea R. for November 13, 2020

  1. 0146yellow
    Vilyehm  over 4 years ago

    Corn-plasters. Corn-plasters. Cor—-oh. That’s not this strip.

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  2. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 4 years ago
    Where are those mischievous Halloween Bandits when their TP might actually be of use? ✨❤️✨
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  3. 20200912 185534
    Kenobi   over 4 years ago

    Inventory check, Roy. Ok, you’ve got no toilet paper and no socks, but you do have your underwear and two sleeves on your shirt…..

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  4. Bugs
    Grumpy Old Guy  over 4 years ago

    There’s always the toilet brush within reach, to the left of you Roy…..

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  5. New avatar
    Queen Wolfen  over 4 years ago

    Just sacrifice your shirt then.

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  6. Tokiyamikagami
    NewPatriot778  over 4 years ago

    So this was cannon?

    Who knew?(Aside from Bea of course) However I thought she didn’t want to set this comic within any particular year?

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  7. Tokiyamikagami
    NewPatriot778  over 4 years ago

    There’s another option, start punching into walls and use the insulation inside! How was Roy even gonna wash his hands without towels, actually never mind! XD

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  8. Tokiyamikagami
    NewPatriot778  over 4 years ago

    A guest bathroom without any toilet paper, hand towels, or tissue, boy the Buxtons really don’t welcome guest well do they?

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  9. Bleach 170
    KenseidenXL  over 4 years ago

    Pull up your panties and climb out the fucking window, you bloody wimp!

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  10. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 4 years ago

    I guess breaking the lock on the door is too simple, right?

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  11. Missing large
    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Wonder if he’ll be in Cell #108 downtown, or if he’s got his own cell?

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  12. Missing large
    sjp_30188  over 4 years ago

    Bidet, problem solved!

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  13. Beaker
    JDP_Huntington Beach  over 4 years ago

    Well, I guess he’s going to go on a high fiber diet and shoot dry dust poops after this, or use the helpful dog diet regime that reduces poop significantly -eat an all meat diet.

    By the way- a high dust environment significantly increases the explosion and fire risk as the dust cloud and the dust particulate surface area is significantly higher.

    As for right now, he can decontaminate in the sink, soak his underwear in water, wipe down and rinse the wiping article in the sink. THEN change when he gets out and launder the offending clothes/underwear or shirt

    If he is really messy with solids and soils, he can flush the toilet and rinse his wiping article there before the sink so he doesn’t get any solid waste in the sink drain. Hopefully there is soap and water in the room, even if there isn’t any towels around.

    Gotta say, this is a gross thread, but great comedy and people in strange circumstances handle it differently. Also, nobody said gross wasn’t a good thread.

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  14. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member over 4 years ago

    You used too much logic. Roy is a very slow and pretty much pampered by his wife I think. She likes the control and being in charge as we have seen.

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  15. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Just think Roy, if you would have checked before you sat down… Especially since the roll is right in front of you.

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  16. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...™  over 4 years ago

    …and apparently no laundry. Pull em up and go out the window. So you’ll have to change your underwear twice this month. Get over it.

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  17. 4d4cb9fd d767 4bb9 9e97 d30b81503f00
    CuteDoggo  over 4 years ago


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  18. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 4 years ago
    The big question is who – if anyone – will ride to the rescue? ✨❤️✨
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  19. Missing large
    Omniman  over 4 years ago

    As an experienced roofer, I would break the door rather than walk that roof. It looks much too steep for most people, let alone Roy!

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  20. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    With a wife and two daughters all I can say is, “A bidet in every bathroom and half bath in the house along with 3 rolls for the phobic.”

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  21. Dresdentvtimage 7908
    bob-droid12  over 4 years ago

    Roy should just use the sink as a bidet.

    Sorry for the mental image my comment just made.

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  22. Wally
    LightWarriorK  over 4 years ago

    Song my mother (yes) used to sing when we were growing up. I suppose to get us to remember to check the paper before we ended up in this situation.

    “What do you do, when you’re stranded,

    Stranded on the toilet bowl?

    What do you do, when you’re stranded,

    Stranded and you haven’t got a roll?

    What can you do, gotta take the greatest stand:


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  23. Missing large
    jonnytest  over 4 years ago

    Probably all dried onto his butt now.

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  24. Missing large
    Inahastation(eye nuh ha station)  over 4 years ago

    Perfect setting to write a blues song.

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  25. 1937
    billdi Premium Member over 4 years ago

    now this is funny…

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  26. 4d4cb9fd d767 4bb9 9e97 d30b81503f00
    CuteDoggo  over 4 years ago

    OH NO!!! The Friday the 13th HORROR!!!!! O_O

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  27. Missing large
    destry1970  over 4 years ago

    Roy if this is your worst problem I would gladly change you place’s

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  28. Wally
    LightWarriorK  over 4 years ago

    Oh no, a Saturday misfire at GoComics?! Don’t leave Roy hanging!

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  29. 0146yellow
    Vilyehm  over 4 years ago

    If it doesn’t happen to Roy on Monday, this comic strip will never have anyone be abducted by aliens.

    Any other time and situation would be a lackadaisical let down.

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  30. Aoh14gjcfhxoqxzw0xqf1szzg2uk2v0ykwfkerrtwyxpcq=s96 c
    JeffreyCraig  over 4 years ago

    WAIT… what? Why are people in the In Security Universe hoarding toilet paper? It’s not like there’s a global pandemic going on IN the comic, is there? I thought that was just OUT HERE.

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