I can’t decide if that computer voice is Whoopi Goldberg or another African-American actress whos name escapes me.
Machines DO hate us. If they ever develop opposable thumbs, we’re screwed.
It sometimes helps if you talk nice to them – if that doesn’t work, I threaten to plug it into a 440-volt 3-phase power socket… That gets attention.
Sue is going to be in the next James Bond film, as Coldfinger.
Jayda Pinkett Smith
The British actor used in “War Games”
“Shall we play a game?”
John Zakour and Scott Roberts
TheDOCTOR over 4 years ago
I can’t decide if that computer voice is Whoopi Goldberg or another African-American actress whos name escapes me.
eromlig over 4 years ago
Machines DO hate us. If they ever develop opposable thumbs, we’re screwed.
Colorado Expat over 4 years ago
It sometimes helps if you talk nice to them – if that doesn’t work, I threaten to plug it into a 440-volt 3-phase power socket… That gets attention.
The Reader Premium Member over 4 years ago
Sue is going to be in the next James Bond film, as Coldfinger.
Map_One over 4 years ago
Jayda Pinkett Smith
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
The British actor used in “War Games”
“Shall we play a game?”