Oh Fred! That could’ve been a big oops, although I have faith Santa would’ve fixed it since you are such a good and sweet boy. By the way, is that a stretch stocking? A little trick there. My mom would only allow one Santa stocking even though we used to argue two feet, two stockings, so my sister and I found some stretchy Santa stockings. They didn’t stretch a huge amount, but hey! Any amount was good as far as we were concerned. It took more to fill them.
smorbie the great and beautiful about 4 years ago
Yeah, I’m up way too late, but Merry Christmas to Fred and all of you.
ronaldspence about 4 years ago
You are slipping a bit Fred…you are due four stockings!
mikenjanet about 4 years ago
Oh Fred! That could’ve been a big oops, although I have faith Santa would’ve fixed it since you are such a good and sweet boy. By the way, is that a stretch stocking? A little trick there. My mom would only allow one Santa stocking even though we used to argue two feet, two stockings, so my sister and I found some stretchy Santa stockings. They didn’t stretch a huge amount, but hey! Any amount was good as far as we were concerned. It took more to fill them.
jr1234 about 4 years ago
Kitty needs one put up too ? =^..^=
Merry Christmas one and all
BigDaveGlass about 4 years ago
Big enough for loads of sausages, Merry Christmas to one and all….
Breadboard about 4 years ago
Merry Christmas Fred !
Yardley701 about 4 years ago
I never realized they locked Fred in the kitchen at night, that is so wrong!
SusieB about 4 years ago
In addition to some snausages maybe some chocodrops are in your future
Jeffin Premium Member about 4 years ago
Dog socks instead of foxgloves?