Normally I think staying up on New Year’s Eve to ring in the new year is a waste of time. THIS year is different. I’m gonna stay up just to make sure the mother@%$$&ing 2020 is GONE.
Been thinking, what if boring, mundane years are anomalies and we are tuned to accomplishing great things under stress. Sitting back, acquiring wealth, isn’t our purpose. We do great works under pressure. What we need is to find motivation daily to do great things. Supposedly, Shakespeare wrote some of his best plays during the plague, but continued writing great plays afterwards. (I haven’t fact checked this.) Medical advances have been made under the stress of epidemics, such as the polio and COVID vaccines. We went to the moon under the stress of the USSR being ahead of us in exploring space (not the best of motivations, but …). In the fantasy realm, I can’t help but think WAR would have be the motivation for all the Star Wars technology development. On a positive note, I wonder what we need to develop the travel technology of Star Trek. (Yeah, they had weapons, but I’m more interested in the philosophical, economic [no human on the starships is concerned with pay and wealth], and intellectual exploration.)
RuinQueenofOblivion about 4 years ago
Nope, we know it, but we stopped caring a few months ago.
Breadboard about 4 years ago
Black Jack here we come ;-)
hariseldon59 about 4 years ago
A little late. The grid was supposed to crash at the onset of Y2K.
ronaldalbertansley about 4 years ago
bad year for father time !
RussHeim about 4 years ago
Normally I think staying up on New Year’s Eve to ring in the new year is a waste of time. THIS year is different. I’m gonna stay up just to make sure the mother@%$$&ing 2020 is GONE.
Jeffin Premium Member about 4 years ago
Get the &@%* out!
david_42 about 4 years ago
He’s not dead yet. Plus, I doubt his liver is usable anyway.
Ellis97 about 4 years ago
And I thought Y2K had it rough.
poppacapsmokeblower about 4 years ago
Been thinking, what if boring, mundane years are anomalies and we are tuned to accomplishing great things under stress. Sitting back, acquiring wealth, isn’t our purpose. We do great works under pressure. What we need is to find motivation daily to do great things. Supposedly, Shakespeare wrote some of his best plays during the plague, but continued writing great plays afterwards. (I haven’t fact checked this.) Medical advances have been made under the stress of epidemics, such as the polio and COVID vaccines. We went to the moon under the stress of the USSR being ahead of us in exploring space (not the best of motivations, but …). In the fantasy realm, I can’t help but think WAR would have be the motivation for all the Star Wars technology development. On a positive note, I wonder what we need to develop the travel technology of Star Trek. (Yeah, they had weapons, but I’m more interested in the philosophical, economic [no human on the starships is concerned with pay and wealth], and intellectual exploration.)
epaphus8 about 4 years ago
Shouldn’t 2020 be on a respirator?
cuzinron47 about 4 years ago
He was just an innocent bystander.
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
So no one remembers the great first three months?
Tigressy about 4 years ago
hmvanyel about 4 years ago
The worst part of 2020 won’t end until 12:00PM January 20, 2021.
asd2525 about 4 years ago
I thought baby yoda was the 2020 baby