I know exactly how this works. I’m an older dude, as such I require a pocket knife for ? my daily stability. I am now on a stint where I use the knife and tomorrow it is gone! I’m on the third one since spring. An operable memory would be cheaper.
As long as I put them where I’ve always put them, I have a chance of finding them again. If I get ambitious and try to find a different place for them, I will never see them again.
stillfickled Premium Member about 4 years ago
Amen! I have to write myself notes.
DorothyGlenn Premium Member about 4 years ago
Ruthie’s little butterfly antennae always make me smile.
Olddog1 about 4 years ago
And then you buy another one. Easier than searching the house.
landyk about 4 years ago
I know exactly how this works. I’m an older dude, as such I require a pocket knife for ? my daily stability. I am now on a stint where I use the knife and tomorrow it is gone! I’m on the third one since spring. An operable memory would be cheaper.
Dkram about 4 years ago
I have found that something I’ll need to use in the future will stay where I have put it until I need it, then come the time I need it, it’s gone,.
MCProfessor about 4 years ago
The less time I got left, the less time I spend cleaning up.
cuzinron47 about 4 years ago
That’s what the door is for. Easy fix.
KathyLittlejohn1 about 4 years ago
My mom once put a large amount of money in a safe place, she lost it for two years until she looked up a recipe in her cook book.
Sue Ellen about 4 years ago
As long as I put them where I’ve always put them, I have a chance of finding them again. If I get ambitious and try to find a different place for them, I will never see them again.