The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for January 13, 2021

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    allen@home  about 4 years ago

    As long you remember Max’s bark Koko. Hes still around.

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    wldhrsy2luv  about 4 years ago


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    M2MM  about 4 years ago

    We kept our tarantula’s sheds, it’s almost the same as still having her, but without having to provide the crickets, or remembering to freshen her water. We had her for 20 years. She was a Chilean Rose and was always calm and of good temper. We keep her sheds in small jars. Her fangs were even shed, and they still are impressive. :D

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    amethyst52 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    :’( that is so sad, but so true.

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    pauljmsn  about 4 years ago

    My ex-girlfriend had two ferrets and two dogs – no, the dogs never bothered the weasels, as far as I know. I eventually inherited Al, the little old man ferret, and the Rottweiler Titan. They’ve long since crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

    I miss them.

    Now I feel the tears.

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    Dani Rice  about 4 years ago

    We had to have Blazer put down right before Christmas. Keeping him longer would have amount to animal abuse. He was 14, which is a pretty good age for a dog, but that didn’t make it easier. Yeah, tears whenever we look for him.

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    John9  about 4 years ago

    I really disliked 2020 so much, I lost 3 of my “companions” (the latest on on December 15) and I still keep looking for them and sometimes saying the names.

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    kv450  about 4 years ago

    We lost our 8 year old dog and 16 year old cat in a 10 day period around Thanksgiving …

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    Jeffin Premium Member about 4 years ago

    He’ll always have a doghouse in your heart.

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    justjam38  about 4 years ago

    I have nothing against reptiles or insects or whatever you choose but I can’t imagine cuddleing one up in bed & purring me relaxed….NOPE NOPE NOPE….LOL

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 4 years ago

    it hurts

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    exness Premium Member about 4 years ago

    One of my dogs (of 3) would always bring me a toy and dance when I came in the back door after working in the yard. Had to put her down 12/31/20 because the seizures were so bad. I really miss that greeting.

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    WCraft  about 4 years ago

    Dogs are taken too soon from us. Why do tortoises and chimpanzees live longer?

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    Old Man River  about 4 years ago

    I stay sane by believing that all my furry children will be waiting for me when my time comes

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    raybarb44  about 4 years ago

    Happens to the best of us. RIP Max….

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    Classyladyor  about 4 years ago

    So sad.

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    Helen Frx  about 4 years ago

    We took on Chewy when our son, her Human Dad, was appointed to New Caledonia. She was 2 and lived happily with us till her 13th birthday. Then the Dreaded C appeared and we had to let her go to the Other Side. At first, whenever I caught sight of something white I imagined it was her for a split second. It took me over a year before I could bear to look at her photos. I hope she’s romping with all our other pals somewhere in that Happy Hunting Ground…and one day well be reunited with them all. Who knows………

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    BWR  about 4 years ago

    We’ve lost so many over the years, and miss them all.

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    dogday Premium Member about 4 years ago

    3/17/17: Gray, who ran our house with love, a gentle paw and flawless tick-tock. Gone too young. Never be another like him. He joins many another excellent housemate.

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    nisedc  about 4 years ago

    RIP Max.

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    Laurie Stoker Premium Member about 4 years ago

    I lost my Bambina in November. This has been such a sad time.

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