While I’m not in disagreement with finding Colin something else to spend his time doing, I kinda have to side with the kid this time, if only because I know interrupting a gamer mid-game like that is just the worst. Kick him off still, sure, but at least let him get to the next good stopping point (save point, finished level, etc—depends on the game) to do so first. Just…actively monitor them while waiting for them to do so to make sure they actually do stop at the next stopping point and not “conveniently forget” to when it comes.
allen@home almost 4 years ago
Now hide the controller for a couple of weeks Abby.
hildigunnurr Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Don’t. Just don’t.
Diat60 almost 4 years ago
Ready Player One!
scyphi26 almost 4 years ago
While I’m not in disagreement with finding Colin something else to spend his time doing, I kinda have to side with the kid this time, if only because I know interrupting a gamer mid-game like that is just the worst. Kick him off still, sure, but at least let him get to the next good stopping point (save point, finished level, etc—depends on the game) to do so first. Just…actively monitor them while waiting for them to do so to make sure they actually do stop at the next stopping point and not “conveniently forget” to when it comes.
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
Big meanie. Didn’t even let him get to a save point.
Edmund.Comics Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Can’t help noticing it but that’s not even a flat screen TV.