Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for January 18, 2021

  1. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  about 4 years ago

    Why don’t he just go the the NY area and pull for the 2 metro NFL teams and throw in Rutgers and UConn football for good measure…..

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  2. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  about 4 years ago

    I sure could use some sports commentary in these tough times.

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    MichaelHelwig  about 4 years ago

    Head for Mar-A-Lago

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    sloaches  about 4 years ago

    There are more than enough reasons to dislike Houston (stifling humidity in the summer, the gag-inducing stench of the oil refineries, hurricanes that try to drown the city every ten years or so). Bagging on the local sports teams is pretty low on the list.

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    cooganm Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Try moving to Cincinnati

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    Plods with ...™  about 4 years ago

    Inquiring minds want to know.

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  7. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  about 4 years ago

    Maybe the Huston teams could do a round-robin trade of the three players.

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    Mayor Snorkum  about 4 years ago

    “The Houston Dumpster Fires.” I like it. Now can anyone suggest a good new name for my hometown Washington Football Team? I can’t seem to sell anyone on my late buddy Fred’s suggestion that they keep “Redskins” but make the logo and mascot a red-skinned potato. It would be P.C. as all get-out, but it would still p*ss everyone off, so it’s a win-win. Or, since it’s the Redskins, a lose-lose.

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