Mike du Jour by Mike Lester for February 28, 2021

  1. Img 3235
    dwane.scoty1  about 4 years ago

    My Sides!

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  2. Img 4401
    Zebrastripes  about 4 years ago

    Ha! Leave it up to Mike o get the dirty expletive pen! @#%*)=/+€~¥€>}!

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  3. Strega
    P51Strega  about 4 years ago

    He signed in cursive.

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  4. Jax 1
    ms-ss  about 4 years ago

    That pen is owned by a politician who wants unity.

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    S.Curtis  about 4 years ago

    Funny! Hahahahaha snerk

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  6. Stinker
    cuzinron47  about 4 years ago

    No, that’s the right pen, it was poor service.

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  7. Imag0020
    PuppyPapa  about 4 years ago
    The “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021,” unveiled by Democrats earlier this month, would provide a pathway to citizenship for what many have said to be “11 million” currently illegal immigrants.After pointing out studies from Yale and MIT suggesting the number is much higher, Carlson spent several minutes explaining how the bank Bear Stearns used bank transfers, remittances, and other data points to estimate the immigrant population “to be as high as 20 million” 16 years ago, in 2005.“That was all 16 years ago,” Carlson said. “And now, in 2021, the party in charge is still assuring us that the number of illegal immigrants in this country has somehow declined by up to 10 million people. Could that be true?”“How insulting is that, even to float that idea?” he continued. “Consider everything that has happened since 2006. Amnesty for the so-called dreamers, the promises of mass amnesty, the endless caravans. So the 11 million number is above all, a lie. The 11 million number is one of the more obvious lies ever told. We’re a TV show. We are not social scientists, and it took about an hour to find this out. It’s a ridiculous lie.”
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    PuppyPapa  about 4 years ago

    Activist judges pushing a far-left agenda have been legislating from the bench, and a handful of Supreme Court Justices committed to upholding the Constitution is the only thing stopping the left’s total transformation of the country. For that reason, Democrats have been lying in wait for the opportunity to take out the Supreme Court.

    Democrats are no longer hiding their disdain for the high court. Democrats openly admit to hostile court-packing plans that would stuff the Supreme Court full of activist judges who would then sign off on everything Democrats couldn’t sneak past the voters.

    Vice President Kamala Harris has said, “everything is on the table” when it comes to bypassing the Supreme Court.

    Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) has called court-packing a “long-overdue court reform.”

    Most concerning, President Biden has created a commission to study possible reforms to the federal judiciary because, as Biden puts it, the court system is “getting out of whack.”

    But Sen. Ted Cruz isn’t waiting for Democrats to strike. The Texas senator has introduced two proposals aimed at keeping the number of Supreme Court justices fixed at nine, the number it has been for more than 150 years.

    “For the sake of our liberties and the future of our country, we must preserve the independence of our judiciary,” said Sen. Cruz in a statement. “As my Democrat colleagues brazenly discuss expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court, this legislation and constitutional amendment ensures we prevent either party from wielding the Supreme Court as a political tool for their own advantage. I urge my colleagues to defend the fundamental liberties of their constituents—their religious liberty, freedom of speech, and Second Amendment rights—and swiftly take up and pass these proposals to prevent Court packing.”

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    PuppyPapa  about 4 years ago

    Boston Schools Will Suspend New Advanced Learning Classes Because They Have Too Many Whites and Asians

    A program at Boston Public Schools (BPS) for high-performing 4th, 5th, and 6th graders will be suspended for a year while administrators figure out how to reduce the number of whites and Asians in the selective program.

    Boston schools are nearly 80 percent black and Hispanic while the program, known as Advanced Work Classes, has 70 percent white and Asian enrollment. Obviously, the reason for that is plain-as-day racism… or something.

    = = =Yup, there sure is some racism going on . . . .

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    PuppyPapa  about 4 years ago

    “Welcome to the oasis of freedom!” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared at the opening of his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday. “Florida got it right, and the lockdown states got it wrong!”

    Indeed, it did.

    Florida has lower per-capita COVID-19 mortality than the national average and lower than 27 other states, including tightly lockdown California, despite having more senior citizens. Its unemployment rate is lower than the national average. Florida offers more in-person education than any other state, and it leads the nation in vaccinating those older than 65 years old. And its budget remains in good shape, with Mr. DeSantis declaring he hasn’t had to use a penny in Florida’s rainy-day fund to cover for pandemic-related expenses.

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    PuppyPapa  about 4 years ago

    The Oklahoma House of Representatives on Thursday approved legislation that would limit the power of President Joe Biden’s executive orders in the state.

    HB 1236 would allow the state Legislature to review each executive order to determine whether the Oklahoma attorney general should decide if it is constitutional.

    If the attorney general decides not to take action on the order, the Legislature could declare it unconstitutional with a majority vote.

    The bill outlines what categories of orders lawmakers would review, including pandemics and other health emergencies, oil and natural gas regulations, agriculture regulations, land use and education issues.

    “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the state, county, political subdivision or any other publicly funded organization shall not implement any action that restricts a person’s rights or that the Office of the Attorney General or the Legislature by a majority vote determines to be unconstitutional,” the bill states.

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