Bob the Squirrel by Frank Page for February 05, 2021

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    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Called it!

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    Doctor Toon  about 4 years ago

    I was really hoping they were Marijuana edibles, but its still funny

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  3. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  about 4 years ago

    My SO mixed up this birdfood thing that you apparently heat with water. It’s made with rice and oatmeal and other stuff…. I put it on my leftover (there was rice with the original meal and I thought the side was packed separately).

    I no longer eat anything from the refrigerator without asking for it’s provenance first.

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    Breadboard  about 4 years ago

    Well Frank Dogs eat “Human” food all the time ! So why not the other way around ;-)

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  5. B 58 hustler bomber
    John Leonard Premium Member about 4 years ago

    FWIW, dog cookies are absolutely fine for people. They might be a little blend and a tad hard on the jaws and teeth, but if you like ’em, go for ’em. Just for the record – I prefer oatmeal w/dried cherries, or molasses ginger. So do our dogs, for that matter.

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